Caught Again

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Life was becoming more aimless
without Lafayette. That was, until last week.


It was quiet, in that room, despite the bright feeling from the yellow walls. It was already dark outside, but I really did need to catch a breath.. I was a bit desperate for it, you could say. The house was even more silent, now that Angelica and Eliza had a 'grown up' ball to go to. I stepped outside. The crisp, sharp night wind blew past my face. I remember, last year, when I would look by my side and he would be standing there, holding my hand. He wasn't there anymore. I've been alone a lot, especially now that Angelica's moved away from us, when it comes to socializing. With Eliza rubbing up on Alexander every second she gets, I've been in her shadow. I took a deep breath, beginning to walk down that oh so familiar path. There were no noises, except for the occasional
tweet of a few birds flying around each other through the sky and the loud cricket's chirps. I would hum to myself sometimes, as no one else was outside. The trees swayed in that wind, the wind that would whisper forgotten sentences from people who have left.
Ok, too sentimental, Peggy.
Sometimes that's what it is, when you miss someone. I decided to distract myself, by walking into the park. The ocean waves crashed against the bay, and the moon reflected off the ocean.
Just like that same night we sat under the tree and sat by each other.
But that was then, this is now. For now, at least, it was good enough. I sat against a tree, making sure my dress didn't get filthy by pulling it over my knees. It was dead silent, for the longest time. That was, until I heard familiar voices.

I managed to get a clip of the conversation I heard behind me.

"C'mon, just one more night, Alexander?" It was Laurens.
"No, no... I promised..."
Alexander replied.
"Please? With Lafayette gone, no one will know we ever loved each other..."
Laurens was starting to beg, it seemed.
Alexander yelled back. "Then what would it matter?! You're begging for me, and I know, it's hard to let go of this relationship that we've had for so long, but- but- I can't anymore, now that I'm about to get married!"
It was turning into an argument. "Alexander! I love you!" It was a heated couples argument. I was too afraid to turn around...
"Laurens, that's enough! Stop giving me that tone, that begging tone... it's so hard for me to say no to this, and I know it's hard for you, too."

There was a pause.

"That's why I can't say no." Laurens said, sighing.

It had seemed the conversation had ended. I slowly peeked over the side of a bush...
Oh no...
Oh, no, no no no...
I slipped into a ditch by the tree I had been sitting on.
I peeked over the edge.
They had been enveloped in each other's arms, they're faces full of a passion fueled by the recent argument. It was hard to see their faces, as they were kissing. I miss that feeling, that romantic abyss you fall into when he wraps his arms around you-. I really needed to stop getting emotional about this. Looking back on the pair, they had been so in love- it was almost painful. Alexander would chuckle, as Laurens pressed his lips against his. It got even harder to see, now that they had started to slowly lay down on the ground, beside or on each other. They took off their jackets, letting them slide down the grassy terrain. I thought to myself, Oh god, should I stop them? Or do I just let- Let them?
I stopped.
This is Eliza's husband.
I will not let them do this.
I slowly turned back around, peering at the two. They had been eating each other's faces by now. I heard Alexander whisper something in Lauren's ear. Laurens stopped, looking around. He sighed.
"There's no one here, Alexander! We'll be fine." Laurens remarked.
Alexander whispered again. Laurens stopped, his eyes full of fear. He slowly turned his head, afraid of what he saw. His eyes met mine.
Shits about to get real.
He pushed Alexander off his chest, and Alexander clung to a nearby tree, adjusting his shirt. Laurens ran down to the ditch I was hiding in. "Peggy?! What the hell?!" I jumped up, climbing up from the ditch, brushing off my dress. "You're all about to get busted! I'm telling Eliza, when she gets back." I stammered, trying to be bold. Laurens shook his head, mumbling under his breath. "You wouldn't tell a soul, Schuyler. No one would believe you." A sly smile creeped onto Laurens' face.
He continued, "And why were you watching us anyway?" He said, forcefully. I spitted out a response. "I was here first, you two were the ones who decided to crash my me-party."
Laurens turned around, running his hand through his hair. "Did Lafayette tell you?" I heard his mumble under his breath. 'That son of a bitch.' I growled at his sentence. Alexander walked up to us. "Peggy, answer. Now." Alexander was threatening now? My god...
I stammered, "N-no..."
Laurens turned back around. "Liar! He tells you everything!" He yelled and spit at me. I wiped my cheek. "It wouldn't matter anyway! I know now, and that's what matters." I yelled back.
Alexander yelled in response. "You're right, but you cannot tell a soul!" I backed away from the two, bumping into a tree behind me. "And if I do?!"
Alexander looked around, tapping his foot.  A devious smile appeared on his lips. "I'll send a letter, to Lafayette. It will read that you have been seeing other people..." He continued tapping his foot. "Hercules Mulligan- No, Charles Lee! It will be sickening to him!" He laughed. My face turned red, angry at the pair. Alexander continued. "He'll believe me, too, because me and Lafayette have known each other for so long... yes, yes, I like this." I cursed at him. Laurens laughed, remarking, "Little Schuyler's got a temper..." I slapped him. He rubbed his now red cheek, stepping back. "Feisty.".
Alexander grabbed my dress collar. "You tell anyone, I'll tell Lafayette-"

"Tell me what?"
This night is crazy.

We all turned at that voice.
Alexander immediately let go of my collar. "Lafayette?!" I turned.
It was that familiar face, but so much more different. He was so much taller, and he had more scruff on his chin. He still had those hazel eyes, though.
"Peggy-" He ran up to me, pulling me to his chest. He whispered, "What did they do to you?" He was trembling, both of us too busy to say hi. I mumbled, "I caught them, in love. They caught me, looking. I threatened to tell Eliza, but-"
"But I said, that I would send a letter to you, saying she was cheating-" Alexander didn't lie. Lafayette was shook. "What?! How- how can I trust either of you now? First, you break a promise, and now you threaten my love? This is ridiculous!" He spat, as he clutched me tighter to his chest. I missed that warmth, so much. It distracted me from the situation. "I'm taking her home, after I watch you two leave each other. I'll deal with you two when I get the chance." They sighed, picking up their jackets and walking away, taking very few glances at each other. "Are you ok, mi amour?" I clung tighter to him. "I h-hope.." He sighed, picking me up, marriage style. He seemed a lot stronger now. There was only one question I needed to ask him.
"Why are you here? Why didn't you tell me you were coming?" I said, as he started to walk me home. "It was supposed to be a surprise... guess it didn't work out the way I wanted." He sighed. I sighed too, falling asleep on his chest as he continued walking.

Waking up, I was prepared for another dream.

It was no dream.

"Wh-how did you find me in the forest?" I said, as I woke up laying on my bed. Lafayette sighed, saying, "I knocked, but you weren't home. I went to the second best place to search."
I nodded, as he continued. "Do you need anything?" I sighed, rearranging on my bed. "Cocoa?" I said, smiling at him. I felt so much better now that he had returned, my aimlessness lifted from my chest. He nodded, standing up and walking down to the kitchen.

LAMS!!??? Ok I know this chapter is total trash. Just like me! But ok I needed to make things a bit happier but also add drama, sooo yeH! Next chapter will be coming soon ^w^

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