I'll Be Leaving

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-A week passed.-

Lafayette stood in his room, contemplating the letter he had just received. It was lengthy, and important.

Monsieur Marquis De Lafayette

Je vous salue avec un cœur lourd. Votre père a transmis, en raison d'un accident vasculaire cérébral. Il a écrit son testament et vous permettra de prendre sa somme, puisque vous étiez son seul membre de la famille vivante. Malheureusement, nous vous rappelons à Paris, en raison de quelques procès judiciaires qui ont eu lieu et auront besoin de votre compétence. Nous sommes désolés de vous rappeler à la maison, car l'Amérique est un long voyage à partir d'ici. Quelques procès judiciaires ont été déposés, car un autre a affirmé que la volonté était déposée envers lui-même. Nous sommes très désolés pour votre perte.
Le juge de la Cour supérieure

Monsieur Marquis De Lafayette

I am greeting you with a heavy heart. Your father has passed on, due to a stroke. He has written his will, and will be letting you take his sum, as you were his only living family member. Unfortunately, we are calling you back to Paris, because of a few court trials that have occurred and will need your jurisdiction. We are very sorry for calling you back home, as America is such a long journey from here. A few court trials have been filed, because another has been claiming that the will was filed towards himself. We are very sorry for your loss.
The Superior Court Judge

He couldn't believe it! All the way to Paris? Outrageous! But... there was nothing he could do. He needed to go home. Lafayette began to grab the clothes from his closet and stash them away in a large suitcase. He heard a knock. There was no answer, so the door opened anyway. "Lafayette? What are you doing?" It was Laurens. "Laurens, ah. I have to go home." Laurens opened his eyes, wide. "You're what?" Lafayette tried to act cool about his planned trip. "I'm going back to France, it's urgent. I won't be gone for more than two months." He said. Laurens mocked him. "You must be kidding. There is no way-" He stopped him. "I need to change into more proper attire, can you get out?" This was a poor excuse for some time alone.

"I have to go home."

Lafayette stood in the doorway, and everyone turned toward him. Laurens wasn't surprised. He had seen Lafayette packing his bags this morning. Alexander, however, was a bit in shock. He knew Lafayette had to go to France, but so soon...? Burr didn't care, and Hercules... was distraught. He didn't seem like the emotional man, but his face would prove you otherwise. Lafayette took a seat, while the rest of them sat on the couch. "France is in need of me. They're not ready for war, but the government is calling me up. Says someone in my family has died... a distant family member. You all know I barely have any friends or family back in Paris, but the jury says otherwise."
Hercules took a handkerchief from Burr's pocket. Burr stammered, but let it pass. Laurens seemed a bit uneasy. Alexander, was... confused. "This is outrageous. You have to sail all the way to France? Just for this?"
Lafayette looked down, staring at a letter in his hands. "I'm afraid so, Alexander. My only family left was my father, and he was an army official. I have to go. He says he's put my name in his will- or, he did..." Burr stood up. "I'll get your bags."
Lafayette looked at Alexander.
"Give this to Peggy. She will be the most heartbroken girl, because of me. The letter says I will return, and I'm telling you all the same. It will only be a few months. I decided to let you give it to her."
Alexander spoke. "You won't touch another woman in France..." Lafayette nodded. He sighed. "I must leave, my friends." He grabbed his bags from Burr. They all would wave, as Lafayette made his somber departure.
It was sudden. Alexander watched Lafayette walk away from his home. He didn't even turn to look back at us. He had changed out of his regular blue coat, and into a dark blue jacket. It left a depressing aura, even though it was beaming with sunlight outside. Eventually, the little dark blue dot that was Lafayette disappeared in the horizon, fading into the sunlight.
Alexander set aside the letter.

I tapped my foot, waiting for Lafayette to come over. He said he would tonight, and they would have Lafayette's homemade baguettes. It was nine o'clock at night. Six hours past the time he was supposed to be here. It was silent in the house, until a knock was heard. Peggy jumped up, so excited to see her beloved once again. She ran up to the door opening it. "Lafaye-" It wasn't him. Of course, it wasn't him. "A-Alexander?... Eliza isn't home right now..." Alexander sighed. "I know. He wanted to give you this. I'm sorry." And in quite a hurry, Alexander closer the door and walked home. Strange. I opened the letter by the door.

My Dearest Peggy,
I am putting my heart into this letter. You might've noticed I couldn't make it to the dinner. I am sorry for the disappointment, but I am even more heartbroken to tell you it only gets worse. I cannot express how much love I have for you, mi amour. It felt like yesterday, you were stuffing your corset with fine deserts. My English may not be supreme, but I have put my utmost passion and effort into this letter, just for you. Did you notice the piece of chocolate tied onto the back? I knew you liked food, so, there you go. While you eat that chocolate, I would like to give you the bad news. The Supreme Court Judge of the French Primacy has called me to a trial. As you can tell, it seems urgent, if coming from the Supreme Court. I will have to take a long journey to France, and I am afraid I will not be able to come home until a few months. I know it may seem stressful, but wherever you go, I will be there with you. Please, take the silver necklace that had been laced in the envelope of the letter. Let me remind you, my yearning for you will be very great over this trip, and I will write you many letters over the journey. I'm sorry I couldn't extend the letter, I was in quite a rush.

I noticed a few tear stains on the paper.

I will miss you, mon tourteau.

P.S., Do you remember that first night we spent together? Do you remember, I said, I would give you a baiser. If you haven't caught it yet, that meant kiss. I bid you Adieu, my precious Schuyler.

Oh, how terrible. A few months?
I headed to the couch, already crying.
This couldn't be. I hated that he would leave, but he would soon come home, correct? Yes, he would. I was sure of it.
I took the silver necklace from the envelope. It was charming. There was a small locket at the end of the chain. I opened it, only to reveal a portrait of him. It was so sweet. There was a small note locked inside. I pulled it out.
It said,
Vous êtes mon tourteau précieux, mon beau glissement de soleil. Vos yeux brillent comme la lune, et vous souriez est aussi brillant que l'aube d'été. Mon précieux tournesol,

Luckily, there was a translation on the back.

You are my precious sunflower, my beautiful slip of sunlight. Your eyes sparkle like the moon, and you smile is as bright as the summer dawn. My precious sunflower,

He wasn't the best poet ever, but it was still warming to my heart. Knowing he would come back, I smiled in my tears.

Ok you guys. I know this chapter is sad but the story needed some backup. I'm sorry, it's probably trash, but that's ok, I am trash. I just wanted to say, almost 80 reads is pretty decent for my first fanfiction. Thanks, a ton. I super duper appreciate it! I know, this may sound like the end. It's not! So, stay tuned for the next chapter. Btw, I'm using google translate for the French parts so don't hate, for whoever knows French. See you all next time!

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