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"Hey, dinners' ready!" I yelled, as I set the bowls of potato soup on the grand table that had been decorated with fine silver goods. Eventually, everything was ready, along with the loaves of bread that had been centered in the middle, as if they were a centerpiece. A chandelier also hung low above the table. Eliza, Alexander, and Angelica, who came in a few minutes ago, all sat down. I saw Alexander squeeze Eliza's hand, as they sat down next to each other. Lafayette had sat at the end of the table, across from me. An eerie silence filled the room. The only sound was the light patter of rain on the large glass window next to us. I broke the quiet silence. "Grace?" Angelica glanced around, saying; "If no one else will, I can." I nodded, and she said a rather long prayer... when she finished, Lafayette and Alexander both asked for someone to pass the bread, at the exact
same time. They stared at each other, and laughed. Eliza passed them both a piece of bread. I decided to start a conversation. "So, the war...?" Alexander sighed. "Is coming soon. The men aren't prepared, and Britain is getting anxious. They're ready when we're are... but they can't wait forever." Angelica added, "That means you'll have to get married quick." She smiled, as I proclaimed, "Yes, Eliza... are you sure you're ready for a kid-" She laughed. "You have to be kidding me, the wedding will defiantly be after the war." Alexander gave her a raised eyebrow. Lafayette butted in. "More bread, please, mi amour."  I threw him another piece... it hit the chandelier, and it Angelica gave me a look. "Peggy, what was that? If father were here, he would make you go sit out in the rain. Manners." I sighed, as Lafayette gave me a look of: Heh, sorry... didn't mean to get you in trouble.
He slurped his soup. I mocked Angelica, saying in a high pitched voice, "Manners!" Everyone but Angelica chuckled, and she sighed. "I'm going to my room." She stood, setting her empty bowl by the sink. She walked up the staircase, into the abyss of her bedroom.  "Sooo... how's Laurens?" Eliza said. I swear I almost saw Alexander's face go red. He said, "Fine, fine. He's fine."

There was a long pause.

"I wish I could say there was an alternative to all this." Lafayette said, sighing. Eliza raised an eyebrow, surprisingly like Alexander's look.
"The fact that we have to go through all this trouble for freedom. It's connerie!"
Alexander added, "Lafayette's right. The British bastards..." I was surprised by the amount of foul-mouthed sentences these two were spitting out, in front of Eliza. Although, she really didn't care. She was just dazing dreamily at Alexander, admiring his crystal blue eyes.  And from personal experience, I can't judge Eliza and Angelica for falling for him. That boy is fine. At this point, I had finished. I took a glance outside. The moon was up, and the rain was pattering hard on the window. The trees were thrashing their branches, as if they had been warning us to take shelter. Of course, it was only the average New York breeze. I heard the other three talking to each other. I had been focusing on the storm, too busy to listen. I stood up. "Both of you are staying here tonight. There is no way you're going back to the city with this weather." The two men shifted their attention to the thrashing trees. "Yeah..." Alexander gave an eyebrow wiggle to Eliza, thinking I wasn't watching. He said, "Well, where are we gonna sleep?" Eliza started, "I have a queen bed, you can sleep with m-"
"The couch!"  Angelica said, yelling through the walls. We all chuckled under our breath. "What about Lafayette?" We all turned to him. He said,"I can just sleep on the floor..." Eliza added. "Peggy's room is the only one with carpet. You can stay there."

We stepped into the small room. Lafayette said, "Heh, it's bright in here." The yellow walls of my room were overwhelming, with all the lamps lit up. He turned to the window. He creaked it open...  a foul wind rushed in, sweeping past all the lanterns. They all went out, as if a ghost had whisked past them and blew them out at once. It was darkness. "My god." He shut the window. "I have some night gowns, if you need it." I joked. He walked in the dark, bumping into me. "Oof!" He laughed, wrapping his arm around where he thought my waist was. All I could see was the glimmer of a lightning flash on his eyes. I took a step back, grabbing a blanket. "Here." I tossed a pillow at him, and continued. "There's a chair in the corner, if you want."

Fumbling around, I eventually found my bed. Searching for where the sheets ended, I slipped under the covers, as I set my head on the pillow. I heard Lafayette's heavy snore, and the lightning outside flashed a blue-white haze into the room. He was flipped against the chair, his hair as floofy as ever. I eventually closed my eyes, falling into a light sleep.

Thunder shook.

I woke up, and the room was still being flashed with shots of lightning. Lafayette was up, and you could tell it was awfully late. He stumbled over to the end of the bed."Y-you ok?" I sniffed, pulling up the covers over my mouth. "Yeah, but thunder always scared me. Heh, I act like a child." I smirked, even through the thunder. He continued. "Well, children need comfort."
I knew where this was going, but hoping it wouldn't go too far.
"Yeah." He took a seat on the opposite side of the mattress. "You just need comfort." The lightning had stopped, and the thunder silenced. Still, the rain was hard. I felt two gentle arms wrap around me, pulling me tighter to his broad chest. He rested his head on mine. It was blissful. I could feel his breath, a slow rock of pattern, in and out. It was like a lullaby. I had fallen asleep to the lullaby. I didn't want to wake up. I wanted to stay in this wonderful limbo for the rest of time. It made me think about the possibility of losing him to the war.

I didn't want to think anymore.
I fell deeper into the sleep.

I was awoken by the break of dawn. Lafayette's arms still wrapped tight around me, I shook his shoulder. "Hey,  wake up... before Angelica sees..." He opened his eyes a bit. "No." He pulled me closer, if it was possible. I shook him again, saying quietly, "But Angelica-" I heard the door creak. I pretended to be asleep. I heard Angelica say to Eliza, "Leave them be, they're comfy." The door shut. I fell asleep in his arms again, and I heard his snore slowly reappear.

The sun had been all the way past the horizon. I woke up, nudging him. "Ok, we should get up now." He sighed, waking up. "I don't wanna." I responded, "I know, but you have work to get too." He replied. "Merde travail."

The audacity! How dare he say that in front of a woman.

But hey, just like Eliza, I didn't care.

OK YOU GUYS!! I AM SO FREAKING SORRY FOR BEING SO LATE! I have been super busy. I personally think the chapter is trash but I try. I know some of you have gotten a bit annoyed, but school is rough and I barely have any time to write. I know you might think there are no excuses. You're right. I'll be right back on regular schedule next week, so see ya then! (Btw I'm thinking of starting a Drapple fanfiction or some other type of Harry Potter fanfiction so yeah if you want me to try it go ahead and post in comments) BAI!

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