The Wedding

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"Peggy," I heard Lafayette say, as he nudged me gently awake. I sat up with a quiet groan. "What?" Lafayette brushed the side of my hair. "You're a mess." He sighed, and continued. "I'm sorry about what happened with you and Alexander. I thought he was my friend... guess not." Lafayette looked down, mumbling. "He's just ignorant. Alexander is naive. That is no reason-"
Lafayette interrupted. "No, he threatened my belle lys, and broke a promise. He said he would stop-"
"Lafayette, if I told you that we weren't allowed to be together would you stop loving me? Or would you still sneak in on those sunlit Saturdays?" I interrupted him right back. He sighed, nodding. "Ok, ok..." He yawned, pulling me back down to hug him. Then, we fell asleep in each other's arms.

Angelica burst open the door. "Peggy! Get a dress on, and Lafayette..."
He sat up. "What?" He looked confused.
"Didn't you remember? It's Eliza's wedding!" She scowled him, as he got up from the bed and grabbed his coat. "There." Angelica rolled her eyes as I started to get up from my hibernation. "Here, Peggy." She threw a light yellow dress at me, along with the  corset. She shut the door.
"Lafayette, don't look." I said, as he turned around mumbling, "Of course, of course." I slipped off my nightgown, pulling on the underdress. Then the corset. I said he could turn around, if he would help me with tying it up. "And do you know how?" He sighed, unfortunately saying yes. I didn't ask why. Lafayette walked over, grabbing the strings, tying them up in a neat fashion. He asked, "So, Laurens and Alexander- um... did that, right before the wedding?... so rude..." I nodded, as he pulled on the strings. I almost gasped for air. "o...k... that's tight- enough..." I mumbled, as he let go and made the final tie up. "Perfect..." I said, as I breathed a bit more. I slipped on the yellow dress. It had lace on the edges. "Mi amour, you are beautiful."
He looked me in the eyes, and pulled me closer to him. His breath was warm and comforting. He drew me in for a hug. "I missed you so much..." I held him tighter, and he sighed. "I wish I could stay forever."
What? He's not staying...
I continued as if he hadn't said anything. Stepping back, I said, "Get your things, we're about to go, I believe."
-The Wedding-
I took a seat next to Lafayette and Angelica. We had just arrived.
I had prepared myself for a long and draining speech from both Eliza- and especially Alexander. I had only started to actually pay much attention when I heard, "You may kiss the bride." Alexander leaned in and kissed Eliza softly.
Cheating son of a bitch.
A bright applause erupted from the crowd, and I heard Laurens yell, "Alright, Alright! That's what I'm talkin' about!" The cheers grew louder and Eliza almost tackled Alexander with another kiss. It was good to know Eliza actually loved him, but I wasn't so sure about Alex.
I heard Lafayette say, "This will be is one day." My cheeks went a deep scarlet. I couldn't even think about that now, as my deepest emotions were masked with the anger at Alexander and Laurens. Well, I can't hide the anger, apparently.
"Peggy, why is your face red...?"
I turned, to see Angelica's confused face. I took a deep breath. "What?"
Angelica shook her head. "Nothing, nothing."


"Alright, Everyone!" The crowd turned when they heard Laurens' voice.
"Give it up to the maid of honor! Angelica Schuyler!"
Angelica stood up, with a smile- a false smile- on her face.
"A toast to the groom," She nodded to Alexander. There was a clear yearning for her in his eyes. "To the bride!" De then turned to Eliza. Eliza smiled, noticing the emotional pain in both Alexander and Angelica's eyes.
"May you always be satisfied." She finished, and the crowd cheered.

Ok, so, I've decided it's almost time to finish this fanfiction. I know it's short, but all things must come to an end.

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