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The Next Morning
"Eliza, you wouldn't believe what happened!"
Eliza gave me a look of concern.
"Something actually happened to you? Wow..." she stared at her nails. "That's a first." Eliza smirked.
"Well, I met a man. His name was Lafayette, I believe." I said.
Eliza laughed.
"Marie-Joseph Paul Yves Roch, Gilbert du Motier, Marquis de Lafayette. Him?"
We both paused when Angelica walked in. "Who's that, Peggy?"
I smiled, as Angelica continued. "Eliza, Alexander wants you and him to meet up sometime soon... he also says one of his best friends won't stop talking about the kind girl in the yellow dress. He thinks you might know her?"
Eliza and Angelica both turned to me.
"What?" I smiled..

"You wouldn't believe what happened!" Lafayette turned to Alexander. "Her voice is as graceful as a song, and her hair is like a waterfall..." Alexander smiled.
"You must be in love with a Schuyler sister. Angelica?"
Alexander became serious.
Alexander laughed. "Please, you must be joking!"
Lafayette sighed.
"Have you ever really met her, Hamilton?"
They both stopped when Aaron Burr stepped in. "Who's this? you won't stop talking about her, Lafayette." Laurens had also stepped in right behind Aaron.
"You should stop talking, Burr. Cause' I hear you have someone on the side..." Laurens said slyly. "Oh. Well, I couldn't bring her to the ball... she's married."
"To a British officer."
Oh shit.
"Well, that's quite a shame, Burr. She seems lovely."
Lafayette laughed.
"You always seem to make decisions at the wrong time, Aaron."
Burr gave the disapproving look that he made so well.
"Well, how about you, Lafayette? You seemed to have fallen to a Schuyler sister, yes?"


     "REVOLUTION!" The students chanted, as the king was being beheaded by the large, terrifying guillotine. "Freedom Vor' France!"


   Lafayette's Letter
Dear Monsieur Marquis de Lafayette

       France is falling. We need you here right now, or else all the barricades will fall with the revolution. Please, after the war, come back to France. Bring freedom to our people, if you're given the chance.

        The Revolutionaries

"I received a letter a few days ago..."
Lafayette stared at the paper, as Alexander stepped closer. "Let me see.."
Alexander took the letter.
"You have to leave after the war...?"
Lafayette looked down.
Alexander noticed he didn't say 'Oui'... something was really up.
"You don't want to leave Peggy, do you?"
Lafayette looked at Alexander. "Yes."
He smiled, saying, "Go find her. Make her miss you when you're gone."

There was a light knock on the door.
"Hmm...?" I skipped over to the large, oak door and slightly peeked through the hole in the doorway. "Who's there, Peggy?" Angelica called. "Oh, n-no one!" I opened the door and stepped outside. "Lafayette!" He was standing there, with his beautiful fluffy hair and hazel eyes. He was wearing a rather nice jacket, too... "Peggy, It's wonderful to see you again." I closed the door behind me as Lafayette spoke. I turned around, and he was standing a few inches away from my face. We stared at each other for a few moments, waiting for someone to say something...

I stared at his eyes for what seemed hours... I could get lost in the black abyss of hazel... he got closer... an inch away from my face. His breath was warm, and I felt his soft lips just tap mine... Not a kiss, though... I wanted more... No! You're not going to be that vulnerable, Peggy! I waited, leaning back into the door. His eyes glanced around my face.

"Too soon...?" He smirked.

"Maybe we should wait until we get to know each other more."

He continued talking. "I was wondering if we could... head to the park. A piece of fresh air."

"Of course!"

Next chapter, we'll get serious. I hope you like the fan fiction so far... I would love some reviews. I'll make each chapter longer than the last. See y'all next time!

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