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   I looked around nervously, peering out onto the bay, looking for Lafayette's familiar eyes. I had been waiting for months, even years, for him to come back to me. I was wearing the same yellow dress I wore the day I met him.

The boat had sailed into port. A light sprinkle had begun. Angelica waited with me. I started a conversation, as she opened her umbrella that protected us from the soft rain. Birds cawed in the distance, as the wind pushed the boat into harbor. There was a comforting silence, a happy aura in the air, while people started to step off the boat onto the deck. I couldn't spot Lafayette. Not yet. Angelica nudged my shoulder. "You excited?" I tapped both of my feet in a happy rhythm. "So much." I replied, eager to see Lafayette's face. It was now, when I started to worry. He wasn't coming off the boat. What if he never made it onto the ship? I urged myself to stop thinking these things... he wouldn't miss his chance. He wouldn't throw away his shot. Now it's time to be joyful. I swear I heard Angelica say something like that in my ear. It felt like hours, we stood by that old ship. I started to worry again.
Don't worry.
I saw him. Through the crowd. He looked much older now, after those few months, years. I pushed around through the wave of oncoming passengers of the ship. I held onto my hat, as the rain started to come down harder. I heard Angelica yell for me. "Peggy? Peggy!" I stopped in the middle of the crowd, the people walking around me like a school of fish swimming past. Things seemed to slow down, as the rain pelted the dock. It was silent.

All those years, waiting for this moment. All those years, alone, but surrounded by so much happiness from Alexander and Eliza. All that time, like a fish swimming deeper into the ocean deep, wanting and waiting for something to happen. It was now, this crucial moment, when I felt really alone. But that was before. This is now. Now is better than before.

I began to hear the hard patter of rain again. I felt a deep warmth surround my palm. The people who were rushing past had gone. The dock had been almost empty now. I swiftly turned around, only seeing who I hoped I saw. The bright hazel eyes and fluffy hair, that was so familiar. I didn't even have to recognize clearly, to know it was Lafayette. It felt like in a second, he pulled me closer to his broad chest. I rested my head on his shoulder. I could feel his hot teardrops falling onto my shoulder. "I missed you, mi amour."
I managed to choke out a chuckle behind the tears. "You too." Hours, we stayed like this. That's what it felt like. He loosened up, to take a better look at me. "You've grown taller." I said. He was much, much taller now. He sighed. "You haven't changed a bit. And your dress-" He smiled. "I remember it like it was a week ago." He pressed his forehead against mine, getting closer and closer to my lips. We kissed-

"Alright you two, break it up."

Angelica pushed us apart. She turned. "We'd better go." Lafayette managed to sneak a small kiss, while Angelica wasn't looking. "We need to get ready. Tomorrow is Alexander's wedding." Lafayette gasped slightly. "No one told me!" He shrieked, jumping up a bit. "Oh, how wonderful!" He clutched my hand tighter than he already was. I mocked him. "God, you're almost as bad as Hercules." I snorted, sort of embarrassed by his behavior. He chuckled. We all turned and headed home, escorted by a carriage. The ride was long... I fell asleep on Lafayette's shoulder.
Things started to faze off. The lanterns outside turned to the lantern in my bedroom.

I woke up.

That god damn dream was always so real.
The silence of my room was almost too eerie. It was always just a dream.
I'm back to before. The lonely, dark, before. I spent so much time waiting for that moment. But thats in the future. My queen bed felt too big for my small body. And too many pillows. Too much light. I pulled the covers over my face. It had been months, since Lafayette's last letter. He said only a few months. That lying bastard.
I didn't want to think of him like that, but it was hard not to be angry at him. I decided to write him a letter.

My Dearest Lafayette,
You haven't responded in a while now. I really do miss you. How's France? How are you? I really need you right now.

I stopped. I'm such a trash writer! I picked up the unfinished letter, crumpled it up, and tossed it into the trash bin.
I needed to stop crying. Stop crying! You'll be fine!

I lied to myself a lot, these days.


A few weeks past, and a letter came in the mail.

My Dearest Peggy,
You cannot cry over me. Please, it breaks my heart. I saw your tear stains on the last letter. Please stop. You know I love you, and I haven't forgotten about you. You are the one thing I look forward to, these days. I know I only said a few months, but things in France are getting worse... I know the war is approaching. Tell Alexander I will be back by then... tell them I miss them.


I wanted to scream. I could tell Alexander, but I didn't want to interrupt his super official business he had to get too, the super official business he wouldn't stop blabbering about.
Angelica has been thinking of leaving. Oh lord, I hope not. She's all I have anymore. My hands trembled as I changed. I walked into the bathroom, covering my red, crying eyes with makeup. Today was supposed to be the day he'd say he'd come back. Lafayette left five months ago. I'd notice my eyelids were heavy and gray, since the last time I looked. Felt like five months ago...

"And so, with conclusion, the counter agreement has been declared guilty of false accusations and planned attempt of treason." The court dispersed. It was supposed to be a short meeting, that a few people were called to. The judge had made half the suburb come. The trial lasted at least two hours. None of my sisters or I had to do with it, and neither did Alexander and the crew. I couldn't believe this is what Lafayette had to do every week for that stupid will.

Life seemed to roll by, like an endless loop of eat, go to a ball, sleep, and repeat. It was hard not to flirt at the balls, but they all knew I was taken. Plus, who would want this anyway. When the clock struck twelve at night, is when I started to sleep, or cry. Some day, I'll see him again. Some day.

More time passed. Letters sent back and forth between each other. He said, he spotted Jefferson. They had a few drinks with each other, too. Such fun, Lafayette was having! Such fun... I couldn't help but cry at the mention of his name. I felt like I would never see him again. Some day, that will be then, and this will be before. This will be the past. The past will be gone.

I didn't want to spend my time wasting away and waiting for the future to come faster. But that's what I did. I had nothing else to look forward to. I started to cook more often, spend more time cleaning than I already was. My life was becoming almost aimless... but I couldn't keep myself from thinking about Lafayette. Waiting for letter after letter. It stayed like that. For a long time.

Ok, I know it's getting sadder and sadder but that's what it takes to make a good fanfic, so yeah. I hope you guys liked this one, I had really bad writers block writing this, because it's so slow. I know it's late, and I'm sorry. Next chapter will hopefully come sooner.

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