Phone call

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Andrew's pov

I didn't really know what to say. I was never good at talking so I never did. Aiden, Isaac, and stiles always understood me so we became friends. We've been together since 1st grade. They were my everything. so back to the conversation.

 Brigit is a pretty good person she may look shy but I noticed she's pretty social. She also isn't  bratty. Shes pretty fun to hang, shes very energetic, happy, and cheerful. I wish nothing gets in her way.

 She was about to say something when my phone rang. Fuck. she was gonna start talking and the phone had to fucking ring. I checked to see who was fucking calling me. It was none other than my old man. That asshole made me come here in the first place and now wants to interrupt me.I answer. 

"what do you want?" I said.

 "how dare you talk to me like that" he responded.

 "whatever, whats your business?" I said without a care

" I got complaints from my biggest buyer's daughter that you insulted her" When he said this I immediately knew who it was.

 " I  just told her that i didn't love her like she loves me and that she was childish" I responded

"well whatever you told her fix it I don't want my business to go down because of some childish reason come to my office now you have business to attend to" I really hate when he orders me around. It's not my job to attend meetings nor is it my fault that he can't do his job.

"why?" was my respond.

"because this is your problem, obviously"  he said.

I got up and ran. He is so annoying. I finally reached his office. It's this really big building that was made of glass it was 18 stories high. I went in welcomed by the people in the reception desk.

  "Good afternoon Mr. Woodley your father is waiting for you upstairs" they all had their professional smiles on

 "Good afternoon Miss and thanks for telling me" I said.

I went to the elevator and pressed the 12th floor. My old man can surely be really extra. I got up to his room and went in. 

"well, well didn't I teach you manners?" I noted the sarcasm.

 "what do you want?" I responded without a care. 

"I want you to get dressed up presentable and make sure to clean up and bring something for the lady. And please have a good attitude" he commanded. 

"Ugh, you aren't asking for much, huh?" I said annoyed. 

"Don't give me sarcasm you little piece of-" he stopped half way.

 My father has never liked me since I never follow his expectations. I'm always getting in 'trouble', I get good grades but, it isn't my fault I'm not meant to be a business person. Or want to as a matter of fact. 

The moment he stopped talking I left slamming his door shut. I went back home and called my clothes designer. For some reason he already had my clothes prepared! This made me pissed off because I never seem to have a choice.

 I put on my clothes not giving a damn if my tie was wrong. But, of course like always my nana caught this and fixed my tie.

 "Andrew, you have to be presentable, please show a little bit of care" she pleaded.

 "But I don't care nana!" I responded.

 So as you noticed my mom didn't come in and check on me it was my nana. I got my nana at the age of 5 because my mom would always leave me alone at home and come just before my dad came. I didn't understand what was going on but, my mom made me promise to not say anything. Until one time my dad unexpectedly came home earlier than usual before my mom and got really angry. My mom got a scolding and I got one from her. 

From then on my dad got me a nanny. I love my nana so much she is like a mother to me. Since my real one didn't give a damn about me. I have a suspicion that my mother is seeing someone else. well it won't be the first time. Since she would always leave to go on dates with other men. A different one every time. That's what makes my nanny so important to me and why I listen to her. 

Then she took me out of my thoughts "Andrew did you forget something?" she asked trying to give me a hint. That's when I remembered I needed to bring a gift.

An Hour later: arriving at the restaurant

I was walking to the table seeing the person I didn't want to see but I knew was gonna be here Scarlet. This was going to be a long night. sighs


Hey guys, sorry for not updating in so long. It was just so hard getting the motivation to write. Also I have been watching many things that makes me not able to get up. Such as Teen Wolf and anime. Hehehe!!. But, I do recommend you to watch Teen Wolf it's great, the cast is amazing. They're all very good looking 😍😍😝. thxs for reading!😆



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