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Grayson was just standing there. Looking flawless like always.
"Hey Gray" I managed to say as we got out of the room.
"Jenny...you..you look... beautiful.."
I felt like the world was melting away from around me.
"Thanks Gray. Hey I wanted to ask you if you would go with us to dinner but I didn't have the chance to"
"Actually I'm going out with the boys. But if you want me to stay I.."
"Grayson it's okay I promise. You have fun" I said as I wrapped my arms around him.
"Have fun baby" he whispered.

Kate and I got in the back of the car as  Ethan and Meredith sat in the front.
Meredith was seriously wearing a wig when she still had all her hair. Why didn't she just tell Ethan she didn't lose her hair! What the hell man?
"Jenny are you sure that friend of yours will show up?" Kat whispered.
"Yes he just texted me saying he's waiting for us"
"Good. I can't wait to see the look on her face when Ethan catches her cheating"

"We're here" Ethan said.
I nodded to Liam, the friend I told Kat about.
He watched us until we sat down then waited for me to signal him to come.
"Hey Eth"
"Yeah Jenny"
"I want you to meet Liam. He's my friend from back home and when he last called he told me he was in Boston"
He came and stood by our table.
"Hey man" Ethan shook Liam's hand.
"Hey bro" Liam replied.
Liam looked at Meredith like he was literally going to eat her up.
And let me tell you this. It wasn't Ethan she was focusing on.

"Excuse me guys I have to go" Liam stared at Meredith as he brushed his hand to her arm while he's leaving.
Boy he was good at this.
Meredith followed his gaze until she was sure where he left to.
"Uhm excuse me Ethan I have to use the ladies room"
"Yeah sure" Ethan said.
"Kat. Step 1 complete" I smiled.
Step 2: wait until we see her flirting
Step 3: convince Ethan that I need him to come somewhere with me.
Step 4: expose what a bitch Meredith is.

"Jenny you need to let Ethan see her"
Kat said looking at Meredith getting all over Liam.
Phone rang
"Excuse me girls I need to take this
"What no!! Ethan I need you to follow me somewhere!"
"Jenny this is my tour manager I have to pick up"
"Ethan please" I said while I pulled him towards where Meredith and Liam were then kissing
"Jenny what the hell"
I managed to get him where they were standing. But he was refusing to look where I was pointing at.
"Ethan just look over there"
"I can't believe you Jenny!!"
He left replying to his phone call.
He didn't see them.

"Great Just freacking great" Kat almost shouted.
"Kat, I'm sorry he just didn't listen to me"
"Did I miss anything? Where's Ethan" that sneaky little shit asked.
"Shut up Merebitch. And I don't even care if you tell Ethan I called you that. I don't fucking care. Let's go Jenny"
We literally walked to the bus.
"I'm sorry Kat" I told her as we were almot there.
"It's okay Jenny. I just wanted him to.."
I was losing consciousness.
"Jennyyyy" I heard Gray's voice from far away.

Until next chapter!
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