Chapter 3: Settling down

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I walked to the classroom with kuro and he told me to wait outside while he gets the teacher.

" Alright everybody, settle down. We have a new student who will be joining us even though she is a year younger than everyone. Let's welcome Elys," the teacher said as he signal me to come in. Everyone applauded when I stepped in.

" Good morning everyone. My name is Elys Crystal, I'm happy to meet than everone so please treat me with care. I hope to get along with everyone thank you, " when I look at them they were staring at me with wide eyes while kuro looks out of the window.

" hey she looks cute. She's so pretty. " the mumurrings from the students made me blush a little.

" Alright Elys, you can... Sit next to kuro," the teacher instructed me so I followed.

Sitting beside kuro was awkward but it felt comforting at the same time. We continued our class and as the teacher was about to assign us homework, the bell ring signalling that it was time for lunch.

I didn't know whether I should follow kuro or not since he has his own group of friends. So I decided that we should go our separate ways during lunch. When I walked pass some of my female classmates I heard murmurings of them being jealous that I got to sit next to kuro. Was it that hard to communicate with kuro?

I went ahead and bought my food and found an empty seat to sit in. Suddenly, someone dragged a chair and sat down opposite of me. I looked up to see the school's famous prince charming.

" Hello there princess. Why are you sitting alone? " he asked while tilting his head to the side trying to be cute.
I cringed when he said princess.

" No reason. Probably because I have no one else to sit with since Sherrilyn is sick," I replied while pouting stating the obvious and shoving a spoon full of rice into my mouth.

" Can I get your name? Mine is Takumi," he smiled and I could feel some of the girls' glares pierce through me.

" No, " I answered with a monochromatic tone and ignoring him. After a few moments he got up and went somewhere else.

How easy to break the Prince Charming.

He left me alone to finish my food. During classes with kuro, I met Takumi, the prince charming, we had one lesson together. I started opening up a little. But I still felt the girls'  glares piercing through me.

I glared back at them with a 'you got a problem with me' I face. Some of them looked frightened. Sometimes u have to fight fire with fire or ignore them.

We got along quite well. The bell rang and it was time to go home. I went to my locker to change and walked to the bus stop with kuro and Takumi. We took different buses from the same bus stop. My bus came first so I waved them goodbye and boarded the bus. I stared out of the window as my mind drifted off.

I got off the bus after 15minutes and went up to my house's gate. When I opened the door, I immediately saw a note on the table. I read the note and it said:" Dear Elys, I have work until midnight today so you I prepared some ramen for you. Just heat it up when you want to eat. I won't be home for a few weeks because my boss has instructed my colleagues and I to go on a research camp.
Take care of yourself. Love you
Aunt Mili"

I went to the kitchen and got some ramen. I opened the fridge since I wanted to have a drink. Inside I saw 3 bento boxes and I guess they were for the next three days. Which means I don't have to wake up very early to prepare lunch for the next three days. I went and heated up the ramen and ate it by myself since my cousins have work.

~Time skip~

The next morning Sherilyn went to school so we ate lunch together and we talked about what happened yesterday.

Then Takumi and kuro came. So we talked some more until the bell rang. (to lazy to include what they said)
As the day past by, Sherylin's friendship and mine started to fade away. We stopped hanging out and stopped eating lunch together. She had mad new friends.

Mostly because whenever I wanted to have lunch with her alone, her friends always come up and interupt. Sometimes they would make sure that sherilyn avoids contact with me.  What's even worse is when I try to speak they would always push me away. So I eventually sat alone during lunch.

And much to my surprise Sherilyn doesn't even notice that I'm gone. She pretends that she doesn't know me. That made me feel that all years that we spent together was all for nothing. I felt like I've been betrayed. We were friends since kindergarten and I couldn't believe that she would do this to me. But I continued to put on a smile and carry on anyways. Everyone would leave on way or another eventually.

I didn't text or call her because she might've forgotten me already. If I don't move on who knows when my grades would drop. If my grades dropped my parents would be very mad.

Kuro noticed the change and he asked me if things were ok like this. Nodded my head and went to class. Today I had some projects to do so I stayed in school with kuro to finish up the projects. We barely talked unless it's about the project.

We had art and music project. We were suppose to design a album cover and for music we were suppose to sing and play a guitar with a partner. Something like a cover song. It was one of my favourite projects so I wouldn't mind doing them.

In fact they were those only two subjects that I truly put my heart and soul into doing. We learnt to play the violin and guitar for music and we learn vocal techniques.

After that kuro had to leave first because of family issues. So I ended up going home alone. When I opened my locker, a note fell out.

~To be continued~

Huehuehue I ended of with a cliff hanger. I hope you guys enjoyed chapter three. It is short because I didn't want to type the boring stuff in. Hopefully chapter 4 can be out by next Wednesday. As always thanks for reading <3

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