chapter 6: I love you

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After Sherilyn's confession. Takumi and Sherilyn became lovey dovey with each other. Which kind of grossed me out. So I spent most of my time with kuro now.

I wonder... If love ever comes across for me, who would it be. After seeing Sherilyn and Takumi together, I started to become conscious of kuro.

I would blush if he touched my hand or whenever he comes to talk to me I would blush. Sometimes his shoulder would accidently brush onto mine and would make me turn into a tomato. Turns out kuro did the same.

Except he is better at hiding his blushes. We would always have study dates with Sherilyn and Takumi in the library.

Except the date is usually for both of them. Me and kuro would just revise what he had learnt that day since we took the same courses while Takumi and Sherilyn were being all sweet and lovey dovey together.

Learn drawing and continue our project work. Sometimes jamming out with each other. Even though the two princes of the school are technically my best friends, I still can't believe they are here. It feels like a dream come true. I felt like I was living in a fairy tale. I started drifting off...

I started to fantasize. But the moment I did Takumi suddenly shouted bringing me back to reality. I'm happy with the things that happened so far. I was happy. Everyone was happy. I may have developed a little crush on Kuro.

We talked, laughed and many more. Me and kuro were the same. We blushed everytime we see each other.

Kuro's pov

Everytime I see Elys, my heart always beats very fast for some reason and when she smiles my heart pounds hard. My cheeks turn red. It's been a few months and I still don't know what was causing it. I asked Takumi. He said it was probably love. I didn't think that I would be in love with someone like Elys.

I blushed at those words. I should take her out on a date to see if I am actually in love with her over it is just my brain messing with me.

Elys' pov

Kuro asked me out on a date with him to the amusement park, I blushed madly. I agreed to it and he also blushed madly.

I foundd it very cute when he blushed. But that's not the only reason I started to have feelings for him. When he would show his caring and kind side to only me and no one else. We went to roller coaster rides, cafes and many more. I slowly fell deeper in love with kuro.

At the end we went to the Ferris wheel to enjoy the scenery.
When we boarded the ride,  it was silent and kind of awkward. But kuro broke the ice.

" Elys... Do you know why I asked you on this date? "he asked while looking out if the cabin trying to hide his face.

" No... I don't know. Maybe because you wanted to take a break? " I replied cluelessly and chuckled. I looked out of the cabin to find beautiful lights aluminating the amusement park.

" no. It... It's because I...I like you. My heart beats fast whenever I see you. It feels like it'll jump out at any moment. And when you talk to other guys I...I get jealous...and when you act cutely I feel like you should only show your cute side to me. You make me feel so happy like as if there is nothing else in the world but us, " kuro confessed while staring deeply into my eyes with red cheeks.

"I...I also feel the same way... Everytime a girl talks to you I get jealous. I thought one day I might lose you. And that I can't see you again. I want to keep things the same way so I didn't tell you how I felt. I didn't want to get rejected so I kept quiet. I wanted to be the only one who knew the real black prince, " I confessed out loud and blushed furiously.

" now that we know our feelings for each other...will you be my girlfriend, Elys? " he asked caressing my cheek.
I blushed and nodded.

When we reached the top of the Ferris wheel ride, kuro kissed me passionately but yet lovingly.

"I love you... " he whispered. We were blushing madly. Our foreheads were touching together. Kuro then entertwined my fingers with his.

We got off the ferris wheel hand in hand and he walked me back home. We both had to part ways and I was sad that it ended but I had fun that day. It felt like heaven.

When I was with him I felt like time has stopped. I gave him a peck on the cheek and said " see you tomorrow " I entered the house and quickly change and went to bed. Thinking about what had happened today. It was pretty crazy to be honest.

The next few days we announced that we were official. Takumi and sherilyn was happy so we decided to go on a double date. The seasons changed slowly and getting closer to a New Year...

~ To be continued~

Hi guys thank you for reading. And we reached 100 views YAY!!!  Thank you guys so much. Sorry for the late update. My school has competitions coming up so I'll be a little busy. Meanwhile you guys can check my poetries. As always see y'all in the next chapter

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