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the clip is the process of bending lightning (I just got it from avatar)

 " What a shame, what a shame we all remain
Such fragile broken things
A beauty half betrayed
Butterflies with punctured wings

Still there are darkened places deep in my heart
Where once was blazing light, now
There's a tiny spark"

  ~ Paramore // Part II

Chapter five: Training

            After I got settled into my room and got to know everybody and everywhere well enough, I began my training with Alpha and Ryder in the woods behind the pack house. They taught me how to kick, punch, pressure point, disable, kill and flip people.  My stance for fighting was better and even though I was skinny, it didn’t mean I couldn’t take down the bulkiest of guys. Alpha taught me to control my powers by believing in myself, something that I could never do.  Lightening was harder to create than last time.  The only way I knew that I had lightening was because after I did my last trial, I brought my fingers together, drew them apart, brought them back in, and saw a bolt of lightning from my fingertips.  I didn’t know what to do with it so I pointed it at the sky.  The lightning bolt flashed electric blue and only lasted a few seconds. Back to today . . . I thought about my movements and began to act them out.  At my fourth try at making a bolt of lightning, I finally got it.  (Watch the video)

“Whoa” I say trying to steady myself. To bend blood, I imagined myself controlling the water in an animal’s body.  I was working on a squirrel; I didn’t want to take the blood out of its body, just merely controlling the flow of the blood. Once I got a hang of it, I was officially a blood bender.  Now I could bend animals, humans, and insects.  Once I stopped bending the blood of the animal, my steps started to waver and I blacked out.

≫≫≫≫≫ 5 hour later ≪≪≪≪≪

            I woke up in my bed, looking around confused. I thought I that I was in the woods training with Alpha and Ryder. Then I remembered the lightening. I walked down the stairs to the kitchen to find Ali on the counter making a BLT.

“Here ya go,” she says, handing me the sandwich, “I thought you might’ve needed something to eat after you passed out”

“Thanks Ali.” I say with a smile.  “Do you know where Alpha is? I have some questions about my powers”

“Yeah, I think he’s in his office. If not, then in the gym; the gym is in the basement.”

“Thank you for the sandwich Ali. Bye.”

            I went to his office and he was going through paper work.  “Hey, Alpha.” I say with a sad smile “Bek, just the girl I was looking for, I have good news for you.”

“What good news?” I ask, confused

“I know a way for you to bend lightning and blood without passing out or feeling dizzy. You just need to do this one thing first then your powers will be capable.” Alpha said with a hopeful look.

“How? I mean I want to know, but will it hurt?” I asked

“No, you just need to shift into a wolf again. It has been at least a week since you’ve shifted.”

“Okay. Can I do it today? I've already eaten something and my energy is up”

“Let’s go outside”

            Before I went, I got some clothes so I wouldn’t be naked once I shifted back into a human, not going to let that happen again. We walked to the woods again and I began to imagine myself as a wolf.  My bones were cracking and it hurt a little, but not as much as the first time.  When I was on all four paws, Alpha told me to roam and run around the woods.  I did as he told me to do. As I was running, I couldn’t help but feel free.  Free from all this baggage I have, free from the chains holding me down, free from rejection, and free from the weak push over I was once before. I am now a beautiful, powerful, woman that is wanted and loved by my pack.  I will never return to my old pack or to the girl I was before.

            After about 20 minutes I returned back to Alpha. I put on my clothes and we trained in combat.  After I finally managed to pin him down, he told me to bend lightning. Like before, I drew my fingers back and forth till I had a bolt.  I then brought my hands towards my chest, not touching though, and then brought my fingers up towards the sky.  I saw Ali, Tyler, Ryder, and Shay looking at me in amazement.

“Oh my-” Shay said

“How do y-” Tyler said

“Was that lightni-” Ali said

“Who wants pizza? After watching Bek shoot lightning into the sky, I'm in the mood for food. Hey! That rhymes! Get it “mood for food”?” Ryder said. We all burst out laughing at his statement.

“When are you not hungry? I mean, you eat food, like, every fucking 30 minutes!” Ali exclaims.

“Hey, I'm a growing boy. I need what I need and what I need right now of this moment is food.” Ryder says with a pout.

“Now back to the real deal, was that lightning I saw coming out of your fingertips?” Ali asks with wide eyes.

“Yeah, I can bend the elements with a few other compromises.” I say. “I can bend the normal four elements and blood - which goes with water, lightning- which goes with fire and metal- which goes with earth.  Air is the only thing that does not have another power branching off.”

“So you can bend blood. That’s pretty badass.” Tyler said with a grin.

“Thanks. I'm still trying to control my powers. I don’t want to burn or freeze thing because my emotions are all over the place.”

We head back into the house. I couldn’t help but think of what a lucky girl I was. To be a white wolf, to have powers, and to have a pack that accepts me and loves me, I could never ask for anything more.


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