: 08 :

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Feb. 23

I am sooo sorry for not updating!   New change! : Bek’s pack will now be called the Pure Elites Pack because there is more than just one person (I just added a “s” on the end to make it plural)

" Some of us have to grow up sometimes
And so if I have to I’m gonna leave you behind "

~ Paramore // Grow Up


Chapter eight: Year 3 (today)


Alpha: Bek
Beta: Tyler



Tyler’s POV


            Ring! Ring! Ring! That stupid iPhone.  I looked at the screen to see who was calling.  Blocked Number.  This could only mean one thing.  Bek’s old pack was calling.  After Bek was announced Alpha of the Pure Elites pack, we got all the numbers of all Alpha’s in the US.  Yes, including Bek’s old pack.  We didn’t need to contact them though; we just got the Alpha’s phone number through another Alpha.  I didn’t understand why Alpha Ashton was calling me though. Shouldn’t he be calling Bek?   I pressed call and waited for him to give a statement.

“Hello, Alpha Ashton. Is there a reason for you to call me?” I asked my voice remaining monotone.

“Yes, Beta Tyler.  There was a rouge attack on our land and seven warrior members of my pack were killed.  We need your training because your pack is the best in the world.  The reason I called you was because your Alpha was not picking up.  Come to think about it, I don’t know anything about your Alpha. Not even his name.  Anyway, I digress.  Can you come to Evergreen, Colorado in about a weeks’ time?”

“Yes, my pack will be able to.” I said without thinking.

“Thank you very much. I will see you in a week.” And with that, he ended the call.

            Oh no, what have I done?  I was in deep, deep shit.  How was Bek going to handle this?  My balls are going to be chopped off now. .  .  Luckily, Bek was at her Aerie photo shoot.




Bek’s POV

            I got back from my photo shoot and boy was I hungry!  Yay!  Lunch time‼  Just because I was a model, didn’t mean I starved myself.  I went to the kitchen to get a slice of leftover lasagna and microwaved it.  When I took it out of the microwave, I took a bite and it was like taking a bite of heaven.  It was soooo good!

            Hey Bek, I need to talk to you about something every important.  Come to my office.  You might not like it and please hear me out.  Please don’t chop off my balls!  Tyler said through mind link.

            Just let me finish my lasagna. It is really good. Remember the restaurant we went to for my eighteenth birthday? Well I got some lasagna from there it is the best! And what's with the talk of “chopping off balls”?    I would never hurt you, Tyler.  Unless it’s training time; then I will kick your ass.  I mind linked.  I wonder what he has to tell me.  I mean, nothing could make me that angry.

            I finish my lunch and headed to Tyler’s office, which was parallel to mine.  When I looked inside, Tyler’s hair was disheveled, his clothes were wrinkled, and he was pacing around his office.  Once he sensed me, he had a worried expression on his face.

“OK, soImayhavetakenarequestfromAlphaAshtontocomeandtrainhispackweleavenextweek.” Tyler said all in one breathe. I could barely understand what he was talking about.

“Um, can you explain again and say it a little bit slower.”

“OK, so I may have taken a request from Alpha Ashton to come and train his pack. We leave next week.  His pack was attacked by rouges and 7 warriors were killed” he said.  It took me 10 minutes to realize what just happened.

“YOU WHAT‼ DO YOU KNOW WHAT THEY DID TO ME‼ THEY TORTURED ME, BULLIED ME, AND ABUSED ME‼ DIDN’T YOUR PHONE SAY IT WAS A BLOCKED NUMBER‼” I yelled in my Alpha tone.  Tyler winced and I immediately regretted my harsh words.

“Tyler, I am so sorry.  I shouldn’t have said those cruel words.  You just wanted to help them and I understand that.  I am just bringing my personal problems up.  Please forgive me.” I say with tears in my eyes.  I didn’t like associating with my old pack, the Blood Moon pack.

“I forgive you.”

“Thank you, Tyler.  I am very sorry.”

            He engulfs me in a hug and I accept.  It has been a long time since I've blown up on someone.  I don’t like to talk about my past.  It still haunts me to this day, three years later.

____ 1 hour later _____

            Tyler and I explained the situation to the others. 

“Are you sure you want to do this?” Shay asked. “You can always decline, Bek.  All they’ve done is give you pain.”

“No, I want to.  It is my duty and our duty as a strong pack to help others in need. And plus, I bet they will be in for a surprise when they figure out who I am.” I say with a smirk.

            If only I could predict the future . . .


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