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" They say I'm a sinner, but nobody knows.

You only do what you're told, you better hope that you're right.

They say I'm a sinner, I'm not the only one.

You want to point your finger, you better make a choice tonight.

'Cause I'll stand up for what is right. "

               ~ Sleeping with Sirens / Four Corners and Two Sides

Chapter twelve: Slut and Sluttier (pic of Ryder)


“Hey! I am not here to listen to you whine and cry so shut the fuck up and do what I fucking want or else you'll have to do more!” I roared.  Everybody scurried ahead, except for 2 people.  Fucking Hannah and her slut of a friend, Heather.  They were leisurely walking, not giving two shits about how furious I was.  All hell was about to break loose.

“What the fuck do you think you're doing?” emphasis on the word fuck.   Nobody, and I mean nobody, was going to train with me and be fucking lazy.

“Ugh, you can't talk to her like that!  She’s the Luna of this pack.” Heather said; her smirk widening.

“Yeah, I'm the Luna of this pack so back the fuck down you disgusting, hideous, bitch!  You think you're so special, well you're not!  You are nothing but a worthless piece of shit!” Raking my leaves.  Hannah is raking my fucking leaves (making me very angry).

“One:  Bitch, please I could wipe 90 percent of your “beauty” off with a wet Kleenex.  Two: I am Alpha of the Pure Elites so no, you can back the fuck off.  And three: the only thing that is disgusting and worthless here is the disease ridden void you call yourself.  Now, I would love to stay and chat, but frankly, I.  DON’T.  GIVE.  A.  MOTHA.  FUCKING.  SHIT! Now go do 150 laps!  Both of you!”

“Ohh!” Hannah’s face was steaming “Once I get to Ash– AHHHHHH!  My fucking face!  What the fuck did you do?! It hurts!” And boom goes the dynamite.  She started to yell some indefinite profanity.  I might have punched her annoying face.  Ok.  I punched her face fucking hard and I am damn proud at my art work – the fat ass bruise on her right cheek.

“Miss, we’re done with the laps.” Someone said in the crowd of people. 

“Okay. . . How about a 10 minute break?  You guys must be tired from that minimal workout.”  Everyone went inside except for Ashton.

“What the hell happened here?  And why does my . . . mate . . . have a bruise on her face?”  I have to say, I felt a sharp pang in my heart when he called Hannah his mate, but I didn’t give a rat’s ass about it.  He loved her.  Not me.  People can't change.

“Well, so you see, Slut and Sluttier were being lazy and not doing the 100 laps that everyone else had to do.  So they bitched and complained when I gave them an extra 50 laps. Then I got fed up and punched Sluttier on her right cheek. ” I said with a smile.  It wasn’t every day I got to punch one of my greatest tormenters.

“Now get out of my way.  I have a pack to train, including you three.”

            Everybody came outside and then the real torture began.  First off, I made them pair up with partners that had a similar build.  Once done pairing up, they played a game that I made up in order to see the strongest and skillful.  The rules that you could attack your opponent in any way (excluding blows to the genitalia, blows to the throat, and death hits) and you must pin them down for 3 seconds.  The catch was that you only had 5 minutes.  Since there were an odd number of people, I chose the bulkiest guy: Emerson.  I actually remember him from high school.  He was actually nice to me and picked up my books when Alex knocked them down.

“Hey, Emerson!  It’s nice to see you again.”

“Hey, Rebekah.  I see you're the new Alpha of the Pure Elites.  Saw the May issue; you looked hot.” He wagged his eyebrows in a suggestive way, but I knew that he was only playing. “Don’t worry your pretty face; I’ll go easy on you since you're really short.” Ugh, I was not short! Emerson was just really tall, about 6 foot 6.  I was just 5 foot 9.

“I’m not worried at all.  I think that you should be worried because my old Alpha trained me till I was past my breaking point.”  Ethan really did train me past my breaking point.  He trained me until I could pin him down in 5 minutes for 3 seconds.  That’s how I came up with the game for others to train with.

“How about this, if I win, then you have to be my personal bitch for one week and vice versa.” I said.

“Alright, deal” he said.  We sealed the deal with a handshake.

“All right everybody!” I yelled. “In five minutes, you will have to pin your opponent down.  Emerson and I will go after everybody is done.  And guess what? You can watch me kick.  His.   Ass.”

“No, you can watch me kick her ass.” Emerson said. 

“Keep dreaming, Emerson, keep dreaming.  On your marks, get set, go!”

­­­­­­­­● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● 5 MINUTES LATER ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ●

            Once I sorted out the ones who beat their opponents it was our – Emerson and my – turn to fight.

_______ THIRD PERSON OMNISCIENT (Bek vs. Emerson) __________

            They circled around each other, waiting for someone to make a move.  Emerson got tired of walking in circles so he lunged at her shoulder.  Bek saw what was happening so she swiftly dodged the attack. When he wasn’t looking, she did a round house kick to his back to knock him down.  Emerson quickly got up and then flipped her onto her back.  He then put his foot on her stomach to keep her from moving.  Bek saw a chance to beat him; she then took his foot and yanked it towards her head, making him fall on his stomach.  Bek then proceeded to grab his left leg and his right arm, bringing them together and preventing Emerson from moving.

            “One, two, three” the crowd of people yelled when Bek pinned him down.

“I won! I won! I won!” she yelled. “Now you have to be my bitch for a week, Emmy.

What do you think Rebekah is going to make Emerson do?

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