It's too late.

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Chapter 9

Elsa's POV:

Today, I wake up pretty early for a school day. I guess I was happy it was finally friday and I got the chance to be best friends with William again. I'm positively sure he'll forgive me. I make mistakes, but that's because I'm human.

I get out of my bed, and head to the washroom. I slid of my pyjamas off and hope in the shower of my room. I turn on the hot water letting it hit my body. I quickly rinse my hair and start washing it with my Pantene shampoo. I love the smell and well it makes my hair look soft. Then I put some conditioner at the lower part of my hair. I wash my body with another shampoo very quickly. I don't really shave during winter or ever. I'm more of an person to wax. So forget about shaving myself. I get out of the shower, wrapping a towel around my body. I change into my uniform and brush my teeth. Then I blow dry my hair because there is no way I'm going to let my hair puff at school. I'm not that careless, pff. I don't feel like wearing makeup today, so I'll just moisturize my face and wear my lip balm. That's what I do in the next few minutes. I knock on Jacob's door because I know that if he doesn't answer, he probably forgot to put his alarm clock.

-WAKE UP LOSER! I yell loud enough hoping he'll hear me and jump out of bed. Yet he doesn't; he groans and throws a pillow at my direction without even bothering looking at me. He obviously missed.

-HA! MISSED! I say smirking trying my best to annoy him.

-Whatever. He says in the most monotone tone I've ever heard.

-K, but Charles is downstairs waiting for your lazy ass to get downstairs so you guys can leave. I lie, I just know he'll wake up like that.


I laugh and smirk.

-Well maybe because you didn't want to wake up. I say and walk out of his room. I head downstairs right into the kitchen. I take out my cornflakes from cabinet and take out a bowl and some milk out of the fridge. I pour the milk into my bowl along my cornflakes and take a spoon and start munching them. After I take a few bits, Jacob comes downstairs.

-Oooo, look who decided to get up. I say rolling my eyes.

-I didn't decide to wake up, your lie woke me up.

-Pff, like if I had a choice. He takes out the cereal and starts eating with me. Soon enough, we're both finished.

As I head upstairs to get my stuff for school, I yell at Jacob


-KAYYY GIRLL! He says mocking my girlie voice.

-Shut up idiot.

-Make me. He says smirking.

-EWWWWW! JACOB! I spat at him while he was laughing his ass off.

-Not funny I say rolling my eyes again.

We both head to the car and hop in. I put my phone's music on. Jacob doesn't really mind my music so he just leaves it like that. I lean on the window and start looking outside. I just really can't wait to be able to speak to William again. I sigh. Soon enough, we arrive at school. I thank Jacob and kiss his cheek wanting to annoy him. He quickly rubs off his cheek on the exact same place I kissed. I laugh and walk away. I see Angel talking her crush, Austin. I think they'd be a really cute couple. I think Austin also likes Angel, they talk often to each other. As Austin walks away, I start walking towards Angel. I had a big smirk plastered on my face all the way as I walked towards her.

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