Boxing Day.

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Chapter 3

Elsa's POV:

This morning, I wake up to the beautiful sound of my alarm clock.

Note my sarcasm.

-SHUT UP YOU STUPID CLOCK! I yell at it like if it would hear my voice and suddenly stop.

Then I just roll under my covers and put my head under my pillows. It doesn't keep from making that idiotic noise. So I just decide to get up. I hit the buzzer on my alarm and I head over to the washroom. I just brush my teeth and wash my face. Then I go to choose my outfit. I'm so tired I don't even realize what I'm choosing to wear. When I look in the mirror, I find myself in just another pyjama. I groan and just take a pink sweater and my black sweatpants. I don't even bother wearing makeup today, I'm so tired I'd rather sleep in my bed.

I hear my phone buzz so I just decide to check who texted me. It's Angel. She texted me: Hey brah, Do you mind if I have break fast at your house? I know your dad always makes pancakes on boxing day. ;)

And there we go. It's boxing day. I seriously don't feel like shopping but I know Angel with make me go with her everywhere so I just put my money in my purse and walk downstairs to open the door for Angel because I know even tho she asks for permission, she doesn't care; she'll show up anyways.


-Shut up weirdo. I groan

-Wow, what a morning person. She rolls her eyes.

-OH PLEASE DON'T TELL ME ANGEL'S HERE!!! Jacob says in a desperation.

-Well, good morning to you too. She rolls her eyes again.

-Dad? Is that the smells of my favourite pancakes? She says with a big grin on her face.

-There's my little girl! I hear my dad say.

-HEYYY! What about me? I say fake pouting.

-Well... He says.

I push him playfully and he starts laughing.

-I'm kidding baby, I love you both.

We start cooking our pancakes in different shapes and decorating them and then serve the food on the table.

-MUM, JACK! BREAK FAST'S READYY! Angel yells. They come downstairs and we hear knocks on our door. My mum answers. It was mum and dad #2. We greet and start eating.

When we were finished, Angel drags me to my door to get ready so we can leave the house and go shopping. I go get my white Canadian Goose, and we leave. Although I'm 15, I still drive because I look a little older and I adore driving. When we arrive to the mall, we start looking around and Angel starts buying everything she sees. But I go wild on Bath and Body Works. I love that shop. I buy some moisturizers, those little hand sanitizers of all different sorts, a few bottles of foam soap and finally there new fragrance. I pay and we go to Claire's. It isn't my favourite store, although I like to buy stuff from there. I decide to buy a new cover for my phone and a ring whom there's a watch on. Angel buys some stuff from Austin Mahone's merchandise. Then, I get tired and ask her to leave, but she begs me to stay just a little more. I sigh. She drags me to Aldo and Accessories. I don't find anything I particularly like except for a black beanie who's written on: Bad Hair Day. I decide to buy it, simply because I adore beanies and it's been a while since I've got one. Angel bought a blue navy pair of stilettos witch I have to admit, they were beautiful.

Then we head our direction to the frozen yogourt shop. We both choose the mango and strawberry flavour and we top it with again some strawberries and some blueberries. When we are done eating, I drag her to the car, she knows what's my plan. On boxing day, we always have this tradition to watch a movie after shopping. This year, she chooses the movie "Les misérables". We watch the french version because well it's a french movie and we don't have any problems to speak or understand French. It was like a bonus to us. We both are very sensitive persons when it comes to movies so we both take our box of tissues.

-OH MY GOD THIS IS SO SAD! I say crying with a million of tissues around me.


We keep crying until the movie finishes.

When it finishes, as usual when we see a chicflic, (idk how to write it sorry) we both agree that it was the best movie ever.

What a day.


Happy Chapter Three! Yay!

Guys, again I know this chapter sucks because we'll it's 9;30 in the morning and I'm not completely awake. Usually, on monday I'm at school at this time but today, there was so much traffic that we were stuck on the road for an hour and a half and my mum was late for work so she just decided to drop me and my sister home.

Anyways guys, talking about the weather, I'm from Montreal, Canada witch explains the Canada Goose and why I put some French words in my chapter. Also it explains my errors in the chappy because I go to a French School so sorry for all the mistakes guys!

Then again, I hope you liked this chapter.

Love you meatballs🍝

-Ava Mendes✌️



DO 'EM OTHER SHTUFF(In Matthew Espinosa's voice😏).

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