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~~~~a year later~~~~~

                I heard name after name after name called by my dad behind the podium. I knew mine would be called but I still felt so eager and impatient. It was the day I had been waiting for. I was finally graduating from the academy as an official CIA agent.

It was the hardest year of them all but I actually took it seriously. I promised Harry I would keep in touch but sometimes we went months without talking to each other. I really wanted to focus on my training and he would be too busy on his tour. Honestly, sometimes I would try my best not to talk to him because we would always end up talking for hours. He was a huge distraction but I loved how we could stay up talking on the phone all night and we wouldn’t even realize.

So for the last couple of months I completely focused on my classes. There was no time for Harry but I promised myself I would try my best to contact him after graduation. But that was until I saw a picture on twitter of him on a date with a gorgeous blonde model in London. I didn’t want to believe it at first but I saw it coming. I wasn’t mad at him though. I was more upset with myself for thinking he could actually wait a whole year for me.  So I took that as a cue to forget about anything we could have had and just focus on school. And it really paid off because I ended up being at the top of the class just like my mom was. To say I was proud of myself was an understatement. I learned so much that would have helped me on the last mission. But I don’t regret anything. I would never take that experience back.

“And our valedictorian, Samantha Dagger,” I snapped back into reality at the sound of my father finally calling my name over the microphone. I stood up and the applause I received was overwhelming. I tried ignoring the fact that the people who wouldn’t say two words to me now cheered me on as I went up on stage. My father handed me my diploma and fixed the golden rope around my neck that once belonged to my mother. He hugged me for what felt like years but I didn’t care.

I stood behind the podium and prepared for the speech I had been dreading but my dad made me do it. I looked out into the crowd and spotted Gabriela in the crowd. She graduated right after our mission last year but she did everything possible to be here today. I admired her greatly for that.

My eyes widened at who I spotted next to her. I blinked repeatedly to make sure I wasn’t imagining the head of messy brown curls next to Gabby. But he wouldn’t go away. He was actually there. I don’t know how but he showed up. His eyes met mine and it felt like we were the only two in the entire auditorium. He smiled and his dimples made their usual appearance. He mouthed ‘go’ and his hands gestured for me to continue. I had totally forgotten I was supposed to start my speech. All my nerves went away once I started talking and I only kept my eyes on the one person I had been longing to see.

“You actually did it Sam. You’re done,” Gabby told me as we walked out of the auditorium and she helped me out of my robe revealing my baby blue dress.

“Yea I can’t believe it either,” I said while looking down at my diploma in shock. A quiet Harry followed us with his hands in the pocket of his dress pants. I’ve noticed he always does that when he’s feeling shy or nervous. It’s adorable. The way he looked in his tuxedo made me realize he had definitely been working out. He seemed much taller and leaner than he did before. He was more beautiful than ever. I was at a loss for words when he approached us. He looked between Gabby and me.

“Umm I’m going to go talk to your dad for a second,” Gabby mumbled before she scurried away, leaving Harry and me alone.

“Hey,” he said while waving his hand nervously.

I laughed at his awkwardness and responded, “Hey.”

“Congratulations,” he pointed at my diploma and I let him take it.

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