Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

"Wake up, honey" a low, soft and familiar voice whispered into my ear and a kiss planted on my forehead.

I opened my eyes and tried to adjust to the light. My mom's big brown eyes were watching over me. A smile instantly etched on my face. I hadn't seen her in such a long time and I couldn't believe she was right in front of me.

"Mom! Where have you been?" I sat up on the bed and felt tears of joy escaping my eyes.

"I was taking care of some business" she got up from my bed and went to fix the blinds on the window. "You want me to go downstairs and get you some pancakes?"

"No mom, stay here. I want to catch up" I hadn't seen her in so long and she was already trying to leave. "Oh gosh I'm just so happy to see you."

"Okay honey I'll stay. I'll tell you why I was gone for so long too" her mood suddenly changed and I could almost see flames in her eyes. "Do you remember my partner Mr............" her face suddenly began to fade.

"Mr. who?" her body was disappearing too. "Mom! Where are you going?" I tried reaching out for her but her body vanished into nothing leaving me alone in my room.


I woke up with my eyes wide open. I was shaking and covered in cold sweat. Why do I keep having these nightmares? They haven't stopped ever since dad told me mom had disappeared.

She was last seen before she left on a mission to England. Then she stopped answering her calls and her partner somehow ended up in a mental hospital and he couldn't remember anything. She's currently the only woman in the top CIA agents. She is so smart and every day I wished I would be as good as her. We send scouts every month to England to look for her and a lot of them have been stationed there for years. I still have that small spark of hope in the bottom of my heart hoping that she's still alive somewhere. But I feel like a part of me has died lately. I miss her hugs, her smile and the crazy spy stories she'd always tell me. My dad hasn't been taking it very well either and he's been extremely strict and overprotective with me ever since.

When my mom was just 18 she was sent on her first real mission to London and guess who else was working on a big mission there too. Yep my 19 year old dad was working on the same mission but he was in a different agency back then. Somehow, they ran into each other and like my mom says it was 'love at first spy' and the rest is history. They got married and my dad joined the CIA along with my mom and I popped out of there somewhere.

In case you haven't noticed, I'm not your regular 16-year-old. My dad is the principal for the CIA Academy for Exceptional Young Learners. It's a boarding school for geniuses. But my dad doesn't like me to use that word so exceptionally, intelligent kids who are qualified to be CIA agents. Most of the top agents come out of here so basically it's a school for geniuses despite what my dad says. The location of the school is top secret but all you can know is that it's in the United States.

I know it sounds all cool and everything and I thought so too at first. But it's not so fun when you were practically forced into it and there's no way out. Lately, I haven't been wanting it as much as I did before. Especially, without my mom here to support me. I have absolutely no freedom to be a normal teenager. I've never even been to a movie theater unless you count the one downstairs where we watch documentaries of some of the best spies but that's not the point. I've never been to the movies with friends to just hang out and watch a chick flick. But my one dream is to go to a concert. My dad hates my secret passion for music but it has always been there.

My mom always said that she would never force me to be a spy and that she would be happy to see me have a normal life a side from all this danger. But of course, 5-year-old, genius Samantha had to unlock a CIA code while messing with her dad's laptop. Between all the begging from my dad, my mom finally gave in and he put me in the academy at the age of 6. And BOOM here you have a teen spy in training.

"UUGGHHHHH!" my opponent grunted as I slammed his body against the ground.

"Good job Ms. Dagger" Mr. Lindon, our coach, said over my shoulder as I helped the poor kid back up. He was only 13 years old and i felt so bad fighting with him but it's the best training he'll get for now.

"Hey Sam! Did you do any research on that boy band yesterday?" Gabby asked and her voice echoed across the gym. She was in the middle of tripping over another kid.

"No, should I have?" I rolled up the sleeves of my sweat suit and put my opponent in a headlock so I could continue my conversation.

"One sec" Gabby signaled with her index finger and finished flipping over her opponent in less than 3 seconds. "I decided to look them up yesterday and all I have to say is 'whoa'" her eyes widened.

"What do you mean 'whoa'?"

"They are super HOT" she emphasized on the 'H'.

"How hot?" I was curious about who I will be working on the for the next month or so.

"Like 'hot British school boys' hot"

"Oh great" I sighed at the thought of it.

"What? Samantha Dagger can handle 5 criminals at once but not 5 hot boys?" she raised an eyebrow while putting her hand on her hip as she sipped water from a bottle.

"Of course I can. But hey we don't know if they can be criminals too" I wasn't even sure about the handling hot boys thing. I'm not very confident around boys. Most of them see me as intimidating or most of them are just full of themselves. But that may just be because they're all agents. And as shocking as this sounds, I've never had a real boyfriend. Unless you're not shocked at all because I wouldn't be. I just want to finally meet a normal boy. I can only imagine what these boy band members will be like.

Someone suddenly grabbed a hold of my arm and before I knew it my back collided with the floor mat and I was looking up at a proud 13 year old boy. I hadn't noticed that I got distracted and completely forgot I let go of him.

"Good job kid" I said as he helped me back up.

"Thanks!" he said with the most ecstatic tone I've heard all day. My back ached and I was really dizzy. Okay that's enough training for today.

"Are you done packing?" Gabby asked me as her head popped in through the door to my dorm.

"Yea I just finished" I carried the duffel bag over my shoulder and followed her out. We walked over to our friend Ryan's dorm and knocked on his door. He was the biggest gadget techie in the school and always gave us some exclusive gadgets that even the headquarters don't have.

"Hey girls, I've been expecting you" he said as he opened the door and let us in. His room was filled with so many computers and broken gadgets that I started to feel a little claustrophobic. "Ok guys I got lots of new gadgets but since you don't have much time I can only show you how to use a few and I guess who can teach yourselves the rest" he handed us each a heavy box and I unlocked it to find a lot of ordinary looking tools.

"Is this an eyeliner pencil?" I asked while waving it in his face.

"Yea if you want to melt your cornea" he said in a sarcastic tone. So I guess this melts through anything. Perfect.

"What does this do?" Gabriela asked while holding what looked like lip balm.

"It's a special wax I created myself. Anything that you put it on will explode in less than 5 seconds" he took it from here and started rubbing it on a glass cup filled with water on his night stand. "Watch" he waited 5 seconds and the cup exploded sprinkling us all with water. "Cool huh?"

"Wow Ryan this is some of your best" I said and he instantly smiled at me and it reminded me of that crush he had on me in spy camp a few years ago. But I told him we should just be friends because he really was one of my best friends and I didn't want to ruin that. I'm surprised he still treats me the same after I friendzoned him.

"Thanks Sam and I got something especially for you" he walked into his closet and grabbed a big case. "It's a guitar. It can play any song by itself so whoever is really playing it doesn't have to do anything."

"Ryan that's amazing" he was such a genius. Now I didn't have to actually play guitar live in front of huge crowds.

"I heard you have to go undercover as a guitar player so I thought this would help you"

"Are you kidding? This is awesome!" I ran up to him and hugged him taking in his excessive amount of cologne.

"Thank you so much Ryan."

"No problem. Anything for you, Sam oh and um Gabriela" he stuttered and just handed me the guitar case.

"Well if we aren't done here yet I think we should be getting on the private jet soon" Gabby looked at the watch on her wrist.

"Yea you guys should go. Good luck" Ryan said as we walked out of his room and he closed the door behind us.
We took the secret passageway in the teacher's lounge and found the stairs that led us outside quicker. We made our way to the back and the first thing we saw was my dad waiting by his private jet.

"Good morning my little secret agents" he said as he engulfed us in a hug. "Follow me inside" we followed him up into the jet. I was so excited because he has never let me in here. It was so much bigger than I thought. It had white, leather seats and a flat screen TV in the front and the back. As well as our very own servants. This felt more like vacation than a mission.
I threw my duffel bag and the guitar case in the corner and sprawled myself on a leather chair.

"Don't get too comfortable Samantha. You'll be in Glasgow, Scotland in about 10 hours ready to start working" my dad sucked the fun out of anything. "Now here are your gadgets from the headquarters" he handed us a briefcase which I opened and revealed about 6 different shiny items.

"What does this pen do?" I started clicking it away from me in case it was going to shoot me or something.

"No that's just a pen, Sam. It's a special gift from me. Look at the side" I looked at the pen again and noticed 'Sam' was engraved over it. I rubbed my fingers over it and looked up at my dad. "Good luck Samantha. Make me proud" he gave me a kiss on the forehead and waved us goodbye on his way out.

"Bye daddy" I whispered as I watched him leave.

The jet's motor started and we were moving. I looked out the window and saw my mansion of a school slowly get smaller as we ascended higher and higher into the sky.

"Ready?" Gabriela asked from the seat across from me.

"I'm ready for anything."

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