Chapter 18

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A/N: I know its been like 3 months and thats so embarassing but like there's this thing called school that really gets in my way. But here's a long chapter and I've got half of the next one done alreeady. Enjoy! 

I lifted my heavy eyelids when I felt someone tapping me. When I opened my eyes, the intense sunlight coming from my window made me feel like I was asleep for years. I turned my head to find my dad looking at me with his piercing blue eyes which were scaring me rather than comforting me at the moment.

“Dad?” my hoarse voice managed to ask.

“Sam, you’re awake,” he gasped.

“What am I doing here? What about the mission? I have to find Harry!” I started panicking and trying to get up.

“Samantha,” he pushed me back down, “I’m afraid you...failed the mission.”

“I don’t care! I need to find Harry! He’s in danger because of me!” i fought against my dad to try and get up but I felt weaker than ever.

“Samantha, I understand. But there’s nothing you can do anymore,” he stated and his words didn’t calm me at all.

“How did I even end up here? How long was I asleep?”

“Someone used your phone and called me telling me they found you unconscious at the carnival and they decided to call the first person in your contact list. I sent a team over to pick you up right away. You’ve only been out for about 14 hours,” he said while taking a look at his watch.

“I’m so sorry, dad. Everything just happened so fast and I didn’t know what to do. I’m such a horrible excuse for a spy,” I apologized while pressing my palm against my forehead which was now pounding with pain. I saw some pain killers next to a glass of water on my nightstand and sighed with relief.

“Samantha, I am very disappointed in you. You failed one of your biggest missions. You broke so many rules and treated the mission like a vacation. Even Gabby told me she thought she was on vacation. Why would you tell her that I called the mission off?” his eyebrows furrowed and I could almost see steam coming out of his ears.

“Dad, I thought the mission was stupid at first. I couldn’t find anyone or anything that was the least bit suspicious. So I decided to call the mission off myself and just relax and be a regular teenager. I’m sorry that I took advantage but I just really needed a break dad!” I raised my voice and prepared for his outburst.

“And you decided to take a break during a mission? Really? I don’t care if everyone seemed innocent. You had to keep investigating and then check in with me. Sometimes the most innocent-looking could be your hidden target. But the biggest rule you broke on this mission was the one I was always afraid you’d break. You got emotionally attached to the subject which in this case was Harry Styles. I know I told you to fake date him but you were supposed to break up with him before anything happened,” he explained and let out a long sigh.

“I know, dad. I know. But it was really hard. Harry is so special to me and I just couldn’t stop myself from falling for him. Come on, dad. Don’t you remember when you fell in love with mom? You broke plenty of rules for her,” I looked back at my nightstand where a framed picture of my parents getting married stood.

“Yes...I remember. I would do anything for her. But I would also do anything for you and leaving you in this mission was too dangerous. You got too distracted and unprepared and we still have very little information. I couldn’t risk losing you too,” he whispered and I could see his eyes getting watery.

“Dad, I could’ve done this on my own. I know I kinda flushed some of my skills down the toilet these past few months but I know I could’ve done it. Especially if I have to save Harry,” I shivered at the thought of him missing.

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