chapter 6

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Gabriela’s POV:

There was 5 minutes till show time and I was sitting in between two girls who were screaming their heads off. I was about to pull an ‘Agent Casanova’ and grab both of their wrists and press my thumb, right on the sleep inducing pressure point. However, I maintained myself and painted on a smile. I had to admit that I didn’t mind coming to these concerts. The boys were super cute and their music made me want to just let loose which I’ve never been able to do. 

I’m pretty sure I passed for a fangirl with my ‘1D’ t-shirt (which was reaallly cute by the way) and my glow stick. But every other girl here looked much younger than I did. I bet I looked like a mad crazy woman when I cheered in the crowd. I was starting to feel what it was like to be a fangirl. I communicated with a lot of them through twitter and spoke to a few of them in concerts. A lot of them are so dedicated meanwhile some are just fans for the looks. Then there are the ones I can’t stand, who just come to the concerts wearing revealing outfits just to catch their attention. I mean I’m sure they’re great but they deserve better. Plus, there’s other ways to get their attention without making yourself seem desperate.

The show started and I realized something.






I just couldn’t. My eyes would follow him anywhere he went on stage. He seemed so genuinely happy. It was obvious that he appreciated everything he had and never took anything for granted. Or maybe I read that on twitter. But he seemed like a great guy. Any girl would be lucky to have him.

“Gabby? Are you there?” Samantha finally spoke through the comms unit. 

“Yea. I’m here,” I whispered as I left my seat and made my way to the stairs. Anyone could be undercover in the crowd and reveal our identities and basically this mission will blow over as well as my future as an agent. 

“Okay I was just checking. So yea something happened today. I can’t say right now but I’ll tell you after the concert.”

“What happened?”

“I can’t tell you right now or the boys might hear me.”’

“Right. See you at the hotel then.”

“See ya.”

Great. Now I won’t be able to think straight until I know what happened with Sam. I’m actually a very impatient person, which doesn’t really help as a spy. Good thing Samantha is the most patient person I know. I guess that’s why we were so great as partners. Like this onetime when we were supposed to disarm a bomb and I was about to lose it because it was taking FOREVER. Fortunately, Sam was able to calm me down. I was so lucky to have her as a partner. I don’t know where I’d be without her.


The lights turned on as the concert had just ended. There were girls with tears in their eyes picking up their empty soda cups and heading to the stairs. I looked around for anything suspicious but I don’t know why I even bothered. So far everything seemed fine; no signs of criminal activity anywhere. 

This mission wasn’t helping my whole impatient thing.

I really wanted to find some clues already. 

I really wanted to kick some butt already.

But it’s been 2 days and nothing.

I was starting to think this mission was a big mistake. But I wasn’t so sure because Mr. Dagger isn’t a man who usually makes mistakes.

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