Chapter 14

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Chapter 14

It had been about a month and we were almost done with the tour. We only had about 2 or 3 shows left. I couldn't believe how fast all these weeks went. It seems like having a boyfriend like Harry just makes time fly. He takes me to a world where I actually feel normal and I'm not being timed to do everything. I was having the absolute best time of my life ever since I decided to forget about the mission. I know there will be some consequences regarding my dad about it but it was worth it. I'm willing to take any punishment for being able to experience the life of musicians on the road. Specifically, the experience of dating a musician on the road. It was so spontaneous. With Harry, you never know what's coming at you. One day he'll be super energetic and wants to go pay laser tag. The next, he'll want to stay at the hotel and skip rehearsals just to watch a movie with me. He's just full of surprises. One day he'll be super cute and bring me breakfast all the way to my hotel room. He suggested getting a room together multiple times but I had way too much to hide. I don't know what I'd do if he somehow started going through my phone will I was asleep. He'd find all sorts of FBI files on criminals and even files of him. I was way more comfortable staying in my room even though I longed the feeling of waking up beside him. But things were going great in the life of Samantha Hart. Samantha Dagger on the other hand was forced to stay quiet and ignore all rules of the mission.

Today, we had another day off and I decided to sleep in. Harry sent me his usual morning text and also told me he was going to go out with Louis and Zayn to do some 'guy' stuff. I had no idea what that meant but I let the boy go off with his bros.

Just a few minutes after I got out of the shower, I received a text from Niall:

Niall: Wanna come over t my room n play video games with me and Josh for old times sake???

Me: Sure! I'll be over in a few! Xx


"AAARRGGHHHH WHY CAN'T I EVER BEAT YOU IN THIS GAME?" Niall groaned as I beat him for probably the 20th time in some military game.

"Aw Niall I'm so sorry. I promise this time I was trying to go easy," I replied trying to comfort him but he still gave me that sore loser face.

"Niall I can't believe you keep getting beat by a girl!" Josh laughed and pointed.

"Shut up Josh! Sam isn't a girl! I think she's a robot! I can't beat a robot" Niall said while throwing the remote on the floor.

"Wow I can't wait to tell Harry he's been dating a robot this whole time," I replied.

"I never knew Harry had a thing for robots," Josh chuckled.

"Speaking of Harry, where is he and the other lads?" Niall asked while taking a bite out of a pizza slice.

"They're doing 'guy stuff'," I said while making quotation marks with my hands. "Whatever that means."

"Don't know what that means either. They might be shopping, honestly," Niall responded. I started laughing really loud.

"What's so funny?" Josh asked.

"I just thought 'guy stuff' would be like going to the gym or something but not shopping!" I laughed even harder.

"That's so true. Well I guess we can say they're the fashionistas of the band" Josh said and all of us just couldn't stop laughing.

"Oh well I don't really care what he's doing now. I think it's good for him to have his guy time," I explained after I calmed down a bit from laughing.

"You are probably the only girlfriend of Harry's who has ever said that. All the other girls have been so clingy and never give him space," Niall admitted.

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