chapter 5

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I kept hearing a dull chime from under my pillow and I tried my best to ignore it. I tossed and turned in my bed but I could still hear it loud and clear. I finally gave up and groaned as I lifted up my pillow. The brightness of my phone screen made me squint my eyes. I had over 500 interactions from twitter. I curiously logged into the twitter app and looked through my mentions. After scrolling all the way to the bottom I found the source of all my new followers. Niall had tweeted me last night just after I threw myself on the bed and passed out.

‘Great fun tonight! @SamHart I demand a rematch! Xx’

I guess it only took an 8 word tweet to fire the jealousy in all the fans. The mentions I was receiving were just nasty.

‘@Samhart you better stay away from Niall bitch!’

‘@Samhart keep your hands off my husband whore!!’

And I stopped reading there. Until one tweet really caught my eye but in a good way.

‘@kellmarie101: @SamHart Just ignore all the hate. They’re all just jealous of you. Don’t let any of it get to you ’

I instantly smiled and clicked on the tweet to reply.

‘@kellmarie101 Thanks  Don’t worry I won’t let it get to me. Trust me.’

Then I followed her and I immediately got a DM.

‘@kellmarie101: OMG I didn’t think you’d reply! Thanks for following. You’re probably the closest to the band I’ll ever get a follow from’

‘@SamHart: haha it’s no big deal. You were one of the few people who weren’t sending me hate. I’ll talk to them about following you ’


I laughed at her reply and locked my phone. Then I shot up from the bed and prepared for another day as Samantha Hart.


“Hello?” I walked into an empty arena like a lost puppy. Everyone should have been here by now so I don’t understand why no one’s here. The arena was dead silent with only the sound of my sneakers squeaking on the waxed floor. This is really strange. Maybe it was the end of my mission already. Maybe a huge group of men would drop down from the ceiling and I’d have to kick their butts all by myself. I looked up expecting to see them watching over me but there was no one there. 

I got very suspicious and went on secret agent mode. As I walked closer to where the stage was I heard a jingle of keys. I traced my hand over my pocket to make sure that I had some type of weapon just in case. My fingers felt the outline of a pocket knife and I sighed of relief. I looked back only to find an empty arena again. “Hello? Is anybody here?” an echo followed my voice along with the sound of jingling keys again. 

I felt a shadow behind me and I stood still. Something I’ve always learned is to stay still as if you never heard anything so you can get them by surprise. Suddenly there was a swift touch of a hand placed on my shoulder. I instantly grabbed the arm and twisted it behind the person’s back.

“Whoa Samantha calm down!” I recognized the voice and realized I was facing the back of a tall, petrified Liam with a nerf gun in his hand. A mix of guilt and embarrassment washed over me as I let go of him. He turned around and stared at me trembling with wide eyes. ”It’s just me!”

“I’m SO sorry! I thought you were……I don’t know….I just….” I stuttered my words as I tried to make up a good lie. 

“Never do that again okay?” I forced a laugh trying to make him get rid of that terrified look on his face. Louis, Zayn and Niall came out from behind some seats with nerf guns in their hands and cheeky smirks on their faces. 

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