Chapter 3

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Chapter 3
"Where's the taxi?" I asked Gabby as we walked through the doors of Glasgow airport and the cold breeze greeted us outside. Scotland was nothing like I'd expect it to be. Well I don't know what I expected it to look like. We stood near the entrance with our suitcases by our sides waiting for our ride.

"Sam, remember that you have to speak in your British accent from now on. You're not Samantha Dagger from the United States anymore. You're Samantha Hart, an expert guitar player from Manchester, England. And I'm Gabriela Thorne, a crazed One Direction fan from London" her attempt at a British accent was extremely convincing. But we've learned how to perfect different accents since 6th grade so it didn't surprise me at all.

I decided to attack her with my own British accent "Alright, Ms. Thorne. No need to get your knickers in a twist" She laughed at me and rolled her eyes.

"There it is" she pointed at a taxi with the numbers 464 which we were told to look for. The taxi driver with a very thick mustache grabbed our suitcases and helped us put them in the trunk. I held on to my duffel bag considering I have some dangerous weapons. I don't think anyone else should be touching it.

"After you Ms. Hart" I signaled and let her slide into the car before me. The taxi driver took his seat behind the wheel and turned his head. He gave us a strange looks and then ripped off his mustache. Oh.

"Nice to meet you, Ms. Dagger and Ms. Casanova. I've heard great things about you two" his American accent shocked me. How did he know who we were? Then it hit me that he was probably one of my dad's friends or old partners.

"Are you my dad's friend who is stationed in the UK and informed him about this mission?" I asked hoping I was correct and he wasn't a stalker from another agency who was going to try and sabotage our mission. (its happened. The homeland security guys just don't like us)

"Yes, indeed I am. I didn't mean to scare you two. I should have introduced myself first. I apologize" he said before turning around and starting the car.

"It's okay" Gabriela blurted visibly anxious to know where he was taking us.

"I'm taking you two to the hotel where the band will be arriving about tomorrow morning. In case you forgot, tomorrow is the rehearsal for your first show, Samantha" he stated as he stopped at a red light.

"No I didn't forget, sir. But thank you for the reminder" I said while looking at the beautiful city outside of the window. I decided to roll it down and enjoy the cool breeze.

He stopped in front of a tall building with about 37 floors. The red bricks reminded me of home and by home I mean school. But the modern windows and doors were nothing like the ones the academy has.

"Here you are, girls. Good luck. You both will take it from here. And don't forget that your dad or the headquarters can check in on you at any moment whether you know it or not" his deep voice gave me chills as he finished that last sentence. I didn't like the idea of people looking over me. I'm used to being the person who does the stalking. We made our way out of the car and he handed us our suitcases.

"Well I guess this is it. Our very first big mission" Gabby sighed and I followed her into the lobby.

Beep. Beep. Beep. Beepbeepbeepbeep.

My eyelids peeled wide open and I turned off the alarm (not a bomb) on my watch which said it was now 5am. I didn't have to be at the arena until 8am but it can take hours to prepare for your first part of a mission.

Gabby was up and already on her laptop. I made my way to the desk and stared at the too-bright-for-my-still-sleepy-eyes screen. She was on twitter and was apparently talking to some fans.

"What are you doing?" I asked with my groggy voice.

"I made a twitter account to interact with the fans so maybe I can find some information about the missing girls but so far I've had no luck" she sighed of desperation and clicked open another page with a picture of me.

"Um what is that?" I asked frantically.

"I made you a twitter account. Trust me if you're going to be touring with this band and have to bond with them, you're going to have to make one" she showed me the screen where she had already tweeted something for me:

@SamHart: excited for my first day on tour!

"That tweet is exactly the opposite of what is going through my head right now" I groaned as I made my way to the bathroom.

"Aren't you excited to spend time with the world's biggest boy band?" she asked as she shut down her laptop.

"Not really. They're probably no different than the boys back at the academy. Full of themselves and complete douche bags. They might be even worse considering every girl wants to get in their pants and they know it" I rolled my eyes and turned on the shower.

"I guess you'll find out for yourself today" she said and closed the bathroom door.

"Got your guitar?"
"Cell phone?"
"Ear piece?"
"Check" I said as I placed the invisible ear piece in my ear and adjusted the microphone on my shirt. We finished the checklist and I was on my way to the lobby to meet up with the band. I was going to rehearsal and while I'm there I will be giving Gabby a live update through our comms unit as she stays in the hotel until the show. My outfit was so predictable: A rolling stones shirt with skinny jeans and converse. Although, it wasn't much different than what I'd regularly wear, I felt TOO comfortable. I was so used to wearing bullet proof vests or a skin tight suit.

"Okay girl. Good luck" she hugged me and I slung my guitar case strap over my shoulder and I was on my way.

The elevator stopped on the ground floor and I stepped out into the lobby. But no one was in sight. I was supposed to look for a bald man who was the tour manager and five boys. Yet, the lobby was empty with only the concierge behind the desk. So I sat down and waited for the fashionably late divas.

"Samantha Hart?" a hand tapped me on the shoulder. I turned around to find a wrinkly, bald man who was all smiles. I thought it was too early in the morning for anyone to be THAT happy.

"Yes. Are you Mr. Clarke?" I stood up to shake his hand. He didn't look suspicious at all. But these are the ones I have to keep an eye on sometimes. Although, he seemed totally harmless. But according to my experience he was probably not behind any of this crime. I know this is a lot to say for a man I just met but I can usually find a criminal from their eyes. It's a spy thing I guess.

"Yes I am. Welcome to the tour!" he ignored my hand and just pulled me into a hug. I pat his muscular back awkwardly and he let me go. "But we're all practically family so I should say welcome to the family!" his perkiness was too much for me but I awkwardly smiled at him.

"Thank you. I feel so welcomed already"

"Let me introduce you to the crew" behind him were four boys. Or should I say four angels? A blonde and blue eyed boy made his way to me and gave me a big hug. Is everyone this happy in the morning?

"Hi me name's Niall" his Irish accent sent chills down my spine. I had never heard anything like it before. I took a good look at him and he didn't seem dangerous at all. He resembled a defenseless duckling.

"Hello, my name's Liam. It's very nice to meet you" A sweet looking tallish one smiled at me and his eyes squinted as he did. Adorable. His brown eyes looked totally harmless. He looked like a golden retriever I once had.

"Mornin' I'm Zayn" A dark haired one with tan, golden skin greeted me. He had nicer eyelashes than I did. He seemed tired. Like someone pushed him off the bed this morning. He seemed kind of mysterious to me so I had to keep an eye out for him.

"Good morning love! I'm Louis!" a pair of blue eyes startled me. He was so awake and energetic that I was exhausted just by hearing him talk. He engulfed me into a big hug.

"I'm Samantha. It's nice to meet you all. I'm really excited to join you guys on the tour" I said while forcing a smile.

"Wow Sam at least try to make it sound like you want to be
there" Gabby said through my earpiece and I just ignored her. I couldn't really reply to her or else they'll think I'm crazy.

"Oh there's still one more" Mr. Clarke said looking around. "HARRY GET OVER HERE!"
My heart nearly stopped as a tall guy walked in through the doors. He had stunning green orbs framed with silky, brown, curls. I had never seen anyone like him. He made his way over to us and I couldn't help but notice the white shirt that framed his long torso perfectly. It was hard for me to contain myself and that's really shocking coming from someone who is trained to hide their emotions. This is why I didn't want to deal with a boy band.

"Hi I'm Harry" his surprisingly deep, slow voice said as he effortlessly waved at me. He barely looked at me and he took out his phone. He just stared at the screen and barely acknowledged my existence.

"Um nice to meet you" I slurred my words and he didn't even look up.

"Ouch. What's up his butt?" Gabby whispered through my earpiece which startled me since I forgot she was even there.

I followed the crew outside to the parking lot where we got into the tour bus. Niall showed me around and introduced me to a couple of other people like Josh, the drum player and Sandy, the bass player. It's like the cute guys were never ending. Then I met Jon, keyboard player and some other random people involved with the tour but I was really the only teenage girl there.

I was introducing myself to other people while I inspected them from afar but no one seemed suspicious at all. Everyone was so nice. I stumbled over as someone bumped into me and Josh helped regain my balance as the bus was already moving. I looked back to see that it was Harry on his phone and he didn't even apologize. Seriously, what was his problem? He's beginning to look very suspicious.

"Don't worry he's just kinda pissed that Dan left and I guess he didn't really want a replacement. He did the same with Mr.Clarke when Paul left" Josh said and I looked back at harry who was now whispering something into Louis's ear while glancing over at me.

"Dan? Paul?" I asked innocently pretending I had no idea that Dan was their old guitar player who was sent away somehow and I was now his replacement.

"He was our old guitar player but he suddenly left because he had to care of some business but he didn't explain much and Paul was our old tour manager/security guard but he also disappeared"

"Hmm interesting" I kept an eye on Harry. And not just because he was easy on the eyes.

We were at the arena and I was on stage rehearsing and pretending I knew what I was doing. I only knew how to play simple songs on my guitar but I wasn't even going to try to play anything. So I just let the guitar do all the work. I don't know what I'd do without Ryan's gadgets.

We were practicing 'I Want' which was the last song of the show but we never rehearsed with the boys singing which I found really stupid. Aside from rehearsing, all they did was fool around and do what boys do. Niall and Liam were running around in one corner while Zayn and Louis were skateboarding in between the seats. But Harry was nowhere in sight.

I was really thirsty so I decided to lurk through the arena hoping to find water.....or anything suspicious. While walking down an empty hallway a familiar voice whispered into my earpiece.

"Sorry Sam I took a nap. Have you seen anything? Other than hot guys?" Gabby's voice sounded tired. I looked around and made sure no one was around me so I could reply. The coast was clear.

"I haven't found anything alerting. The boys were a lot nicer than I thought and only 4/5 of them are not douche bags. I have my doubts but everything seems normal for now" I whispered closer to my mic.

I found a room and peeked inside in hope of finding a mini fridge. But I stopped when I heard voices and saw a familiar head of curly hair. I stepped back outside and looked closer but couldn't see much without moving the door. I heard more whispers.

"Be quiet. They'll hear you" I heard Harry's husky voice say to someone in a hushed tone. This didn't sound good at all.

"Okay well I'm just gonna go take another nap" Gabby's voice said into my earpiece once again.

"No wait. I think I found something" I whispered and pressed the record button on my watch.

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