I'm so hyper right now because I just saw the new Power Rangers movie and holy hell.
I WANT TO SEE IT AGAIN AND GET IT ON BLU RAY!!! I might take my bff to see it and that'll be my chance to rewatch my new favorite movie.
Now I'm completely obsessed with Power Rangers and I think that it is my new addiction 😂😂
I love Billy Cranston (or just Billy) aka the Blue Ranger because he is bæ. He is the one that brings out the fun and makes people laugh and I think that is just the best thing in life.
And Ima have to say that the Billy scenes are my favorite part of the movie because who doesn't love Billy being awkward? If you don't, I will stalk you everywhere, shove a fire-covered knife up your ass, and watch you burn in hell while enjoying it all MWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
*clears throat*
Now lets back to the topic. I still like the other rangers but the Blue Ranger is mine so back off bitches*growl*
I'll admit this though. I did cry tears of joy when they first morph into the Power Rangers and when songs (that I know of) started playing because thats just the greatest combination ever *cri*
So yeah. I really hope that you guys get the chance to see it in theaters because its just so awsome I don't have words to describe it.
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