Apology Accepted Irwin

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Calum's P.O.V


"So Ashton. Do you hope you have a boy or a girl?" I asked him. The girls have been gone for a while and we needed something to talk about. The awkward silence was killing me.


"I think having a son would be cool. I could play football with him. But a daughter would be amazing too. I would spoil her. Like she was a princess." Ashton answered. Little does he know he already does have a son.


"I know it's early but, any names yet?" Luke asked. I turned my attention back to Ashton who had a smile on his face.


"Well yeah actually. Only first names though. If we have a girl, we wanted to name her Annabella. If it's a boy, we decided on Joshua." Ashton explained to us. I think Annabella is a cute name.


"I definatley love the girls name you two picked." Michael said and I nodded in agreement.


"Why are we all being so sappy? This is so weird for us, even in a situation like this." Ashton spoke up. I think we all had the same thing in mind. Usually we are all about music and video games. This is deffinatly going to get strange for us.


I was about to start a new conversation when I saw the girls come back in. I smiled as Allie sat next to me. I put my arm over her shoulder and grabbed one of Lucas's hands in mine and started palying with his tiny fingers. She was hididng her face in my shoulder, she was still afraid to look at Ashton.


"Who is this little fella? I didn't really get a good look at him before." Ashton said. Oh great, here we go. This is where all the drama is gonna start. I'm not very religious, but.....God help me!


"This is Lucas." I said moving his hand to make it look like he was waving at him. I felt Allie smirk into my arm. I looked at her.


"Babysitting him I assume?" Ashton asked. I shook my head no.


"No. Acctualy he's mine. That's why I got weird earlier. I didn't want you to have to go through what we have in the past few months. I love them both but raising a baby at a young age is pretty tough." I said and just like Luke and Mikey, Ashton was in a shock at first but then he smiled at me.


"So she's the mum?" He asked pointing to Allie. I didn't even need to say anything. Allie nodded her head. He smiled, I guess he didn't realize it was her, this is really awkward.

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