Ring Shopping

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Ashton's P.O.V

It's about eight in the morning but I had to get up early to do this so Allie wouldn't ask to come with us, or ask any questions.

Luke and Mikey are both awake and coming with me while Calum is distracting Allie. all three of them know it's going to happen. And they all told me they think we are to young for marriage but there is really no rush in having the wedding. I just want to make a promise to Allie, that we will be together forever.

"Ashton are you ready for this?" Luke asked me. I smiled and nodded. We walked out to the car, an I was getting more excited but the second.

The whole way to the jeweler I thought about how perfect this is gonna be, and I had a smile on my face the whole way.

"So Ashton, what type of ring are looking for?" Mikey asked me, I thought for a moment.

"Well I don't want just a typical ring. Allie is special and the ring I get her needs to prove it. I want it to be different." I explained causing Luke to smile at me.

"You really do love her don't you?" Luke asked me. I nodded my head and Luke smiled at me again.

We started looking around at the rings and I saw a few really pretty ones, but I haven't found the one yet.

I knew it wasn't gonna be easy,but that's why I brought her brother with. and Mikey too but he just wanted to come with.

"Hey Ash come look at this one." I heard Luke say. he was behind me so I walked over to where he was standing.

He pointed to a ring and it was perfect it. It was so different to any engagement ring I have ever seen in my life.

It was a black gold band, and that is very rare. it had the one big diamond in the center but then it had a few little ones next to the middle one going down the band.

It was gorgeous, and it looked like it could be the best one here. it is definately the ring I want to put on Allie's finger.

"She'll love that one." Mikey said and I nodded in agreement. Luke walked over to get the sales person to walk over to us.

"So you want this one sir?" the women asked pointing to the ring. I nodded and she grabbed it out of the case.

"Do you know exactly what size it should be?" she asked me. I nodded my head before answering.

"It should be a size seven ring." I answered. she nodded and smiled at me. she went into the back and did what she had to do before returning to me and handing me. White box with the ring inside if it.

The ring was really expensive but it was all worth it.

My day is perfect, I just have to decide the day to propose to Allie, and I hope she says yes when I ask her to be mine forever.

A/n - okay so here's the deal. I can either make him have a total cliche moment when he pops the question or I can make it different tell me how you want to have it happen!!

I will dedicate the next chapter to whoevers idea I use in the story. :)

Once again the chapter is short but my computer is broken do I am updating this from my phone.

I'm so sorry munchkins. I will try and get it fixed really soon so you can have a proper update! I love you all ❤️

~Allie xx

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