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Ashton's P.O.V

I told the boys everything I needed them too do, and I had texted Luke letting him know about the plan. He agreed to keep Allie distracted until later tonight when he would have her cme pack to get ready.

"Ashton, Michael and I called her. Kaitlyn wil be here in just under an hour. We got lucky and she was in the area this week." Calum said as he ran out to the kitchen to talk to me. Inodded and got a drink of water before leaving and heading to the place I am meeting Michael and Cal in an hour to set everything up.

I sent a text to mt friend Alex, yes Alex Gaskarth from ATL. Allie loves them, so I need to talk to him about something for tonight and hope he agrees with me.

This will be amazing.

Allie's P.O.V

"Luke, he's gonna be fussy. You wont let me go back to the house so I can put him down for a nap." I complained sice Lucas has been crying non-stop for ten minutes. Luke is getting frustrated with his nephew at this point.

"Well, I can't let you bacl until eight tonight." Luke explained, standing up so he can rock Lucas around better.

"Why not?"

"Michael just told me to keep you away til eight. No clue why." Luke said, I knew something was up, andit is very nerve-racking. I don't like secrets being kept from me.

I know, thats hypocritical, but still that's just how I am.


"Luke, can we go back now?"

"Yes we can."

We finally started walking back towards the house. Lucas fell asleep in his stroller, finally after almost an hour of him crying and fussing.

As we got to the front door of the house, I saw a car that didn't look familiar to me at all. I decided to ignore it since it was probably someone from te boys tour team.

I walked in the house and went straight up to my room, and I saw someone who I missed so much.

"KATIE?!" Ishouted and she ran over and hugged me.

"Hello, now sit your little ass down. I have so much todo."

I didn'd hesitate or ask questions, Ijust sat down and let her do whatever. I knew now why I had to be out of the house. The boys were being secretive about her being here, and I guess Ash is taking me on a date? Thats the only part I have no clue on.

I didn't ask any questions, I just let her do her thing.

At nine I was finished and I felt like o looked stunning, for once in my life.

"Okay, Luke is waiting in the car. go out there, and have fun tonight kiddo." Katie said before kissing my cheek and pushing me out the door.

I walked out and got in the car, and smiled at Luke who looked happier then ever.

"Allie, I'm taking you to the beach. There I a surprise waiting for you there."

I nodded and stayed silent the whole car ride. I was nervous, all the boys know I don't like surprises. It doesn't matter what they are.

We arrived at the beach and I saw Ashton standing there with a bouquet of flowers with a blue ribbon, the same colour as my dress wrapped around them.

"These are for you babe." he said handing them me and taking my hand in his.

"So I have a very special night planned. first a concert. Ashton said, next thing I knew. Alex and Jack from All Time Low were standing in front of me, singing Somewhere in Neverland.

I about died.


"Ash, you know you didn't have to take me on a random date. I like just spending time with you. All of us, were a family. You don't need to do all these amazing things, I dont need it." I explained.

"But I need you, forever. That's why I brought you here tonight. From the flowers, the the boys, and the concert, it all co da down to right here right now." Ashton said.

Before I could respond he got down on one knee I front of me. I covered my mouth and felt tears prickle at. Y eyes, threatening to fall.

"Allie, I have loved you since the day I met you. I should have never left you that night, I shouldn't have let you go. I never wanna let you go again. I k ow we're young and this is crazy, but I want you to be mine, an for me to be yours forever. Will you marry me??" Ashton had a rear on his cheek. I bent down to wipe it away before answering.


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