Let Him Go

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Allie's P.O.V

I just called a taxi to take me back to the house, because the longer I sit here, the worse I feel about not telling the boys I came here. The longer I sit here it makes me feel like I have to let my baby live. Even though he is in pain, he'll still be alive and in my arm when I need him there.

Once the taxi gets here, I climb in and wait til I arrive back at the house.

"Allie oh my god. I thought you were dead." Mikey yelled and pulled me into a hug. I let a tear slide down my face when he said that. Dead.

"Where is Ash?" I asked pulling out of his grip.

"Him and Luke are on the kitchen floor. Luke told Ash and us already Allie. Ashton and Luke haven't moved from there for about two hours." Mikey said. I sighed knowing it was my fault for letting Luke come to the hospital and seeing me like that. He had to take in everything just like I did and now him and Ashton are broken guarenteed.

I walked into the kitchen and saw Luke leaning up against the cabinets with his knees up to his chest, and Ashton is sitting on the floor with his legs crossed and his head in his hands. God damn, they are shattered aren't they?

"Lukey, Ashton?" I said and they both looked up at me. Ashton sprung to his feet and pulled me into his chest. I could hear he was crying, but I couldn't. I was all cried out from last night and earlier today. I just held him tight, and i didn't wanna let him go.

"Allie, they have to let him go. We can't let them kill my son." Ashton said and I pulled back and looked at him. I nodded my head and put my head on his chest again. We hugged for quite a long time until he pulled back and I looked at Luke, he looked like he needed a hug.

"Luke I'm sorry you had to come in and see what you did with me. I should have just came hom last night and told you guys about it instead of having this happen." I said and hugged Luke. I hugged Mikey , and Calum after that.

"Lets all go back, and tell them we want him to be a fighter. I know he can do it. Just like Mikey said to him before. God gave him this battle because he knows he can do it. " I said, quoting Mikey from after his surgery took place.


"Miss, I told you and your brother it is better for him to pass in his sleep. He won't feel a thing, but if you wake him up he will have days of really bad pain and it'll be hard on him." The doctor said, obviously trying to talk us out of keeping him alive.

"You also said it was our desicion, and my desicion is to kee my son alive and with me for as long as I possibly can." I shot back at her. I am getting really annoyed with her right now.

"I know, I am just trying to think about what's best for him." She said and Ashton's hang grabbed mine and squeezed and I squeezed his back. Mikey must have noticed the tension that was building up because jumped in for us so I didn't rip her head of and got to jail for murder.

"Listen, you gave Allie and Ashton the option to keep him alive and if that is what they want to do then let them. If you go against what they want and take him off, I can, and will sue you for all you have for lilling my nephew, you got me? So keep him hooked up until he wakes up." Mikey said and it came out pretty harsh towards her.

"What do you mean til he wakes up? Lucas woke up last week." The bitch said and then she covered her mouth with her hands. Was she noy supposed to tell us that my son is alive and awake and he needs me? Like what the fuck is going on here.

I walked away from her as fast as I could before I punched her in the face and I went straight to the room that had Lucas in it. Or so I thought. I walked in and saw a baby there, but the closer I got the more it didn't look like my son. He had dark hair while Lucas had light hair, and he was still out like a light.

"Allie how is he?" Luke said walking through the door.

"I don't know, they fucking moved him but kept his name on the door, and I have no clue where he is." As soon as I said that the same bitch of a doctor walked in here, and she saw the anger in my face. There is no way this chick is getting away from me now. Didn't you ever hear don't mess with mumma bear?

"Alright. Listen here bitch. This hospital is fucking with me and I don't like it. I just wanna get my son and leave because you are obviously lying to me about something. First you don't tell me he's awake and then you tell me he has cancer and I have been broken since the fucking moment you told me. Now when I go to the room that obviously says his name on the door, there is some child that I have never seen before in my life in the bed my son should be in." I snapped at her after all the anger built up on me so far since we got here.

"Where is Miss Alissandra Hemmings?" A policeman asked coming into the room with my actual doctor. The one that had bee telling me about Lucas.

"I'm right here." I stated and the doctor walked over.

"We are terribly sorry for the inconvienice, but that women doesn't work here. HSe is the mother of the child in the room. She moved your son right after he woke up and we thought she was a doctor here the whole time. Your son is now in room 912 on the thrid floor, and I can tell you he doesn't have cancer. That women's son has lukemia and he is going to pass away and she was trying to take your son as her own." The doctor said and I watched as the police officer put the bitch in hand cuffs and walk out with her.

I ran out the door and went up to find the room Lucas is in and once I got there I ran in and saw the man who must have been the father of the kid downstairs.

"Sir, did your wife not tell you that your son was moved dow to the first floor? That's my son your watching right now." Ashton said from right behind me. The man nodded and walked out of the room, he was deffinately in on it.

He had to be.

At least I know that my baby is gonna be okay.

And that is all that matters to me.

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