Truth be told....

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Allie's P.O.V


I moved everything out of Calum's house while him and Luke were at the studio. I had Michael, Ashton and kennedy help me. Carli watched Lucas while we did so. Ashton told me I could live with him and Carli for the time being until I can afford my own apartment. I though that was sweet of him.


It's been two weeks since I even spoke to Calum. I reject all his calls and never answer his texts. It's all the same shit everytime. It's and apology that I know he doesn't mean. If he mrant it, he wouldn't have broke his promise. He wouldn't have cheated on me.


I was just chilling at my new home with Ashton today. That was the plan. Carli was going to see some family in Melbourne for two weeks, so she wouldn't be here. It's just Lucas, Ashton and I.


My plan was ruined.


I heard my phone ring from the other room and I had to get up and get it. I took it off of the charger and answered it. It was my mum, who hasn't spoken to me since I told her I was pregnant.


"hello?" I said.


"Hi baby. Can you come over here today. We have a surprise." My mum said from the other end.


"Why now? Why couldn't you talk to me months ago when I needed you mum?' I asked, my voice being harsh and irritated.


'Honey, I just didn't want to see your life get ruin that's all." She said. I rolled my eyes.


"My life is perfectly fine." I said in a smarty pants attitude.


"Whatever you say. Just come over here." My mum said before she hung up so I couldn'tprotest anymore.


I walked back out into the living room and let out a groan.


"What happened? Who was it?" Ashton asked me.


"My mum. She decided to talk to me now after about...almost a year now. SHe wants me to come over because she has a surprise for me." I said and rolled my eyes.

I Miss You ( An Ashton Irwin fanfiction )Where stories live. Discover now