How Could You?

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Ashton's P.O.V

"What the hell is wrong with you Calum!" I screamed at him. Luke had to get Lucas and leave the room because he started crying after Calum and Allie started yelling at eachother.

"It's not my fault she's sensitive!" Calum yelled at me.

"Bull fucking shit Calum! That poor girl has been to hell and back. I knocked her up then cheated on her, she went to you, trusted you and then you cheated on her with my girlfriend, knocked her up and then cheated on her with her best friend! You can't just play a girl like that. I was lucky she even forgave me after what I did. You'd be over the fucking moon to!" I snapped. Michael stepped inbetween us as soon as he saw Calum's fist raise up.

"Ash is right Cal. Allie did have a right to write that song about you. You shouldn't have been talking bad about her when she never did anything wrong." Michael said. Cal rolled his eyes.

"Seriously though Calum. Do you understand how many smiles that girl is gonna have to fake now because of you? She has to act like you're still friends everytime we're all out in public. I heard her practice that song before, and I knew instantly it was about you. You know why? Because I heard the phone call too. I was so close to running out there and flipping shit, but as soon as I saw Allie had heard to, I knew I couldn't." Mikey said. 

I can't believe what our friendships have become. We are all slowly falling apart because of Calum. He treats my girlfriend like shit. Luke's sister like shit, and Michael's bestfriend like shit. ALlie just happens to be all of those things.

"I heard Carli say she was happy she is the reason Allie cuts herself. I heard everyword you spoke Calum. You can't deny it and you can't take it back. Now if you excuse me, I am going to find my besfriend. Because you no longer deserve that title. You're nothing to me." Michael said and he pushed past Calum and out the door Luke went out a little while ago.

"I guess you're gonna leave me to huh?" Calum asked.

"Give me one good reason I shouldn't." I said. Calum looked as though he thought for a little bit before he responded.

"I honestly don't know Ash. I am an awful human being." Calum said.

"yeah you kind of are. Get your act together Calum, or I can tell you one thing. We will be looking for a new bass player soon." I said before leaving him in there by himself. 

I walked out in the hallway and I was about to look for Michael and Luke but I couldn't before my phone started ringing. It was Allie, so I had to answer her.

"Hello?" I said down the phone.

"Hello, this is awkward, but I have your girlfrineds phone Ashton. I am a fan but I am gonna try and keep cool, there is a huge problem here with Allie." A girl said from Allie's phone. Oh god, what happened?!

"Okay, continue." I said with worry in my voice.

"Well, I was told by an EMT (Emergency Medical Technician) to call you. Allie was hit by a car on Hillside St.The person who hit her was caught and it turns out it was, uh Carli Dillion. You're ex who is now with Calum I guess. Allie is being rushed to the hospital shortly and the EMT wants me in the back with her unless you get here with in the next five minutes. They want me to try and keep her awake, because if she passes out they may not be able to wake her up." The girl said. She sounded pretty young and as though she could cry. I knew I already was.

"You go with her. I have to get the other boys. What hospital is he going to?" I asked.

"St. Mary's in the center of LA. I'm so sorry Ashton, but I have to go now. I'll see you guys soon I guess." SHe said right then the line went dead.

I threw my phone against the wall and stormed back into the room Calum was in. He was still sitting there not talking to anyone.

"You almost got my girlfriend fucking killed!" I yelled as I slammed the door shut. I grabbed his shirt collar and pulled him up til he was standing.

"She stormed out and your fucking slut of a girlfriend caught a flight when we did and just ran Allie over with a fucking car!  You are gonna pay for this Hood. You're gonna fucking pay!" I snapped and through back in the chait and I walke dout slamming the door again. I ran to lobby of the building to find Luke and Mikey.

"Luke!" I yelled and he turned ot look at me. He had a smile on his face so he must not have gotten the call,only me.

"You and Michael take Lucas to the car. We have to go to the hospital." I shouted. Michael's smile dropped and he took Lucas's car seat and ran out the front door and into our van. Luke ran towards me.

"What happened Ash?" Luke asked.

"Carli followed us here. She just ran Allie over with a car." I sobbed. Luke's face went to angry not sad.

"I swear to go calum is a fucking dead man after I find out if my sister is okay." Luke snapped..


A/n - Sorry It's short but I am trying to update as many stories as I can today! I'm really gonna try! This is unedited!!!

~Allie xx

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