Going Home

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Allie's P.O.V

My album dropped, and it rose up to number two, right under the boys album that is at number one.

The time has finally come for us to leave L.A and go back home to see our families.

Well, Ashton and I are getting a house together with Lucas, but we need to make sure there is another bedroom.

You guessed it, Ash and I are having another baby. I haven't told him or any of the boys yet.

I only told Liz, well my mum.

She was so excited when I told her, and she promised to keep it a secret from everyone until I was ready to tell them myself.

"Allie, we have to leave for the air port in five minutes. Are you ready?" Luke yelled up the stairs.

I just put Lucas in his car seat so we could go, I looked around the room and smiled.

There are so any memories here. So many things I will never want to forget.

Of course there are the few that I would gladly leave behing, like fighting with Cal, and Lucas getting a tumor in his brain, then that bitch making me think that he died, but the good cover the bad by a landslide.

Ashton propsed here. I made my first album, my first video, my first interview. My career started here. I never wanna forget this experience. Ever.

"Yeah Luke, I am coming." I shouted. I grabbed my carry on bag, since Ash took mine out to the van already. I picked up Lucas and walked down the stairs to see my brother smiling.

"Ready to see Mum? She's getting us at the airport." Luke said. I nodded my head and smiled.

We all climbed into the van, Lucas's seat in between Ashton and I like it usually is. He's sleeping, but it's not like he really understands what's going on right now anyway.

In a way I'm sad that I am going back, but I'm mostly excited to go home again.

So Ash and I can finally get out house, and I can tell everyone about the second little one in the way.


"Allie. Babe, wake up. The plane is about to land." I heard Ashton say and I slowly opened my eyes and smiled at him.

But, I had to get up and go passed him, because baby number two decided it was time for me to be sick like right now.

Luckily Ash didn't follow me back to the bathroom to check on me, but I wasn't getting out that easy. Michael followed me.

"When are you gonna tell Ashton?" Mikey asked.

"I don't know what your talking about." I said nonchalantly.

"Allie, I know what's going on. I'm smarter then you all give me credit for." Michael said before we walked back to our seats and the plane began to descend.

Once we were allowed to exit, Ashton carried Lucas off and Luke and I ran ahead to find Mum waiting for us.

"Mum!" Luke yelled when we both ran into her arms.

"Good to see you!" She said and pulled away from us.

"Oh Allie, Anne and I have been house hunting for you and Ash. I think we found the perfect place for you guys!" She said I smiled at her.

"You'll have to take us there then." I said and she smiled at us

All the boys came off the plane to see their families and it was so adorable I got pictures of all of them and posted them to my Twitter, and I even had one taken if Luke and I with Mum.

"C'mon Ash, Liz and I wanna show you and Allie your new house."

The four of us were in Mums car, and Ashton went with his mum and they would meet us there. I asked Mum to dropped Luke of and to keep Lucas with him so that it's less of a hassle when we are trying to look around the house.


The house is beautiful, and Ash and I love it.

It's not to far away, so we can still walk to the boys houses whenever we want to.

"But Liz, I don't understand why you wanted is you to have five bedrooms." Ashton said. "There is only three of us."

"You're family will only grow." Mum said and walked away to talk to Anne.

"She's right Ash. We have Lucas now, what would we do when the other baby comes if we only had one room." I said and Ashton's face lit up as he looked at me.

"Other baby? There's another baby on the way?" Ashton asked me. I smiled and nodded my head.

He picked me up and twirled me around.

"My life couldn't get any better then this. My bestfriend will soon be my wife, and we will have two amazing children, and maybe even more."

A/n - I'm very sad. This is the last chapter :( but the epilogue will be up soon, and then it'll be time for the sequel!! Whoop whoop!

I'm not sure what the sequel will be called yet, but I hope you all think its amazing as this book is. I have gotten so much positive feedback on this book, and that make me super happy. I never thought I would have story as popular as this one is. So you guys are truly amazing.

Thanks for sticking by me and reading this story. It means the word to me.

I love you munchkins!

See ya later <3

~Allie xx

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