Epilouge :)

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Allie's P.O.V

"Oh my god! Allie is having another baby! Lauren did you hear that! Allie and Ashton are having another baby!" Harry yelled as he ran through the house like a maniac.

Lauren laughed at her little brother and gave me and Ashton huge hugs.

All of us got together so Ash and I could tell the good news. Obviously Mikey already knew, but he was still excited about it.

"It better be a girl this time! I want a granddaughter that I can buy cute dresses and stuff for!" Anne said which causes us to laugh.

"Yeah I want a niece. Then I can tech her how to look this good." Lauren said with fake sass as she flipped her hair.

"So, are you all moved in to your house now?" Luke asked. I nodded and smiled.

"Yes and the house is amazing! There is a pool and jacuzzi in the back and there is a lot of grass in front. Five bedrooms, and thee bathrooms. A home studio in the basement. Our moms did pretty good." I said and chuckled a bit when Anne flipped her hair, showing of her fantasticness.

That's not even a word. Oops.

"Cool, I hope you don't mind us coming over a lot. Especially after the other baby comes." Calum said, u shook my head and giggled.

"Good because I love babies, and babies love me. And I will babysit them whenever you need me too." Kennedy said.

I'm glad to have a girl bestfriend around again. I love the boys to death but it's hard being the only girl for a few months.

I need my girl time now.

"I don't suppose you wanna help me schedule the baby shower then?" Ashton said and Kennedy nodded her head super fast.

"I'd love too!"

A/n - I know you wanted to see the wedding in this book, but I have it planned for the sequel!

I gave big plans guys! Big ones!

I love you guys heaps and will see you in book two ;)

~Allie xx

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