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"Happy Birthday to youuuuuuuuu!"The family sang.Jen's 16th birthday.

"Blow out the candles!"Aunt Lorelai exclaimed,"No,not you Blake.Laurence,get back here!Rico,don't play in that!"

The family erupted into cheers as Jen blew out the candles.

Jen got a fluffy pillow (she loves fluffy things),an easel and some colored water color pencils(of course),a puppy(because every girl wants a puppy),chalk (nobody is too old for chalk),and some letter stencils (she got pencil all over the magnets).

Jen pulled all her friends outside for a trampoline party.That means everybody jumps on the trampoline for thirty pointless minutes.The weight was too much for the old trampoline.

About four people fell through the trampoline,and Lyson,Jen's boyfriend (I like this one.He's funny.)leaped off the trampoline.He might've been the reason the trampoline broke.

Silence.Jen started laughing.The laughter was contagious.

Everyone laughed as Jen's friends stood up and dusted themselves off.

Lyson helped Jen up and get walking again.Her green eyes sparkled.

She couldn't drive.I realized that in that moment.Duh.I mean,she can't see.

"Jen,you okay?"I asked.

"Yeah,"She said,looking for where my voice came from.

Blake and Rico begged Jen to play with them.They considered playing Hide and Go Seek Tag,but then realized that wasn't a good idea.

I suggested Marco Polo,and they seemed to like that.Jen was always Marco Polo,because that way,she had an advantage

Lawrence played in the mud,even after my sister-in-law, Lorelai,continuely pulled him away from it.

Sydney talked with her family,and I noticed Anna wasn't there.

I called her.

"Anna,it's your neice's birthday."


"Yes,really!I told you this morning!You got an invitation."

"Ok.I'll be there."

Then she hung up.

Anna arrived when the party was about over.

"Hey!"She called to Jen.

"Hey!"Jen said,and gave Anna a hug.

They talked for awhile,because Jen hadn't seen Anna in about two years.

Then,I pursed my lips and walked to the bathroom.I looked in the mirror.

Genetics.My genetical fault.

It would soon rear it's ugly head.Almost 40.

I wouldn't last ten more years.

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