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When I got home from the cemetery,I saw Jen had turned on a home video.

Scene:Tristan walks into the kitchen.Tristan opens microwave and find a bread roll.

Tristan: Syd,what's this?

Sydney: Oh!I see there's a bun in the oven.

Tristan: Did you put it there?

Sydney: No,you put it there.

Tristan: No,I didn't.

Sydney: Tristan,yes you did.

Tristan: No,I-WAIT WHAT?!

Sydney: *laughs*

Tristan: You're serious?!

Sydney: *nods*

Tristan: *runs fingers through his hair*

Tristan: *Finds pregnancy test inside roll*Oh,crap!I thought you meant you finally bought the King's Hawaiian Rolls!

Sydney: Why would I buy the King's Hawaiian Rolls?

Tristan: But...this!This is just...it's just freakin insane!Pregnant?What?

Sydney: Well,yeah.

Tristan: *notices that Sydney is holding the camera*Turn the dang camera off,Sydney.This is not funny.

Sydney: Ok,Colonel Tough Guy.

*video ends*

I cried when I watched it.

I finally said,"Your dad said it wasn't funny,but he was smiling the whole time."

Jen responded with,"That sounds like him."


Suddenly,Jen said,"I got the results back today.I don't have Malfan syndrome.It's just a crazy coincidence that I'm blind."

I nodded slowly.I hugged her,and Jen burst into tears.

"I miss him,Mom."She sobbed in my arms."I never even knew what he looked like."

"Me too,"I said,starting to cry myself.

We cried for a long time.

Suddenly,the tears just...stopped.Jen calmed down.

Then,I remembered something that someone told me.It was a story.A great story.I never told Jen about it for some reason.

"Jennifer,can I tell you a story?"I asked her,remembering telling Tristan,and learning it in church.

"Sure."She said,and I opened my mouth to tell the greatest story of all time.


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