If you've ever had a life-threatening disease,you know what I'm talking about.

Morfan syndrome.

I felt weaker every day,like my essence of life was slowly dying,losing hope,giving up.

And soon,everything I knew would collapse around,and I would go to the unknown.

This theory is so...what's the word?Weird.Yeah.Weird.

Something inside me was nagging me that the whole Jesus thing was fake.But why would Sydney lie to me?

Besides,if Jesus was real,and I believed,I would go to heaven.If Jesus wasn't there and I believed,then it would make no difference.

What did I have to lose?

A knock on the door.

It opened slowly,and green eyes peered into the room.

"Hiya,Jen."I said.

Jen exhaled loudly.

"For...for a second...I thought you were dead."

"I am dead.It's just the Zombie Apocalypse.It started.We don't much time befo-BRAAAAAAAAIIIIINNNNSSSSSS."

Jen laughed."Can I come in now?"


Jen sat on my bed.

She looked in my direction.

"I...I never will get to see you."She said after a short silence.

I said nothing.

She burst into tears,real tears,upset tears,heartbroken tears.

I sat up uncomfortably.What was I supposed to do?

She curled up in my arms like she did when she was 6.She would cry because it wasn't fair how all the other kids could see and she couldn't.

I ran my fingers through her long,light brown hair.

I wanted to cry,too.

I didn't even try to comfort her.

She looked up,and for the first time,met my eyes exactly.

"I wish I could see."She sniffed."So I could be perfect."

I hugged her tight.

"You are perfect.You don't have to see to be perfect.Seeing isn't perfect,either.Sometimes,you accidentally see things you don't want to see.Like,like your own daughter being tortured,or your best friend get hit by a car,or...or...or everything,if you know it's the...the last thing you'll ever see."My own tears started to fall as I explained this for the 500th time to Jennifer.

Jen shifted.

"I can feel your tears on my head."She said,smiling."I'm not alone.Yay."

I ruffled her hair."You'll never be alone,Jen."I said.

"Hey!"Jen frowned."And just when I finally figured out how to use a straightener."

I laughed,and kissed Jen's head.

"You're messing up my hair on purpose now,aren't you?"Jen asked,looking up at me,meeting my eyes with excellent accuracy again.

"You're creeping me out,Jen."I said.

Jen tilted her head.

"I don't know how,but you eyes are meeting my eyes exactly,like...almost like you can actually see them."I explained.

Jen frowned."But I can't see them."She said.

I squinted my eyes.

"What?"Jen asked.

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