My first fight of camp half blood

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I saw the main house set on fire and most of the campers running around with weapons.

I ran around and saw Annabeth and the black haired guy Percy fighting against one of the empousai.

(Whatever, they can handle it.) I thought and saw Mr. D.

"Mr. D!" I yelled and he ran over.

"Pamela, get inside!" He yelled.

"Where's Ethan!?" I yelled.

"Dont worry about it. Get inside now!"

I looked around.

"Pamela!" He yelled at me.

I rolled my eyes and ran off toward the lake.

Kids were grabbing buckets of water and throwing them on the main house to douse the flames.

I ran over to the main part of the camp.

I saw Ethan fighting against one of the empousai.

"Ethan!" I ran over.

The empousai pounced at him, but he swung his sword at her. She ducked and raked her talons across his arm. He clutched at the wound, blood was dripping everywhere.

I ran over and stabbed my dagger at the demon, but she pounced at me, slightly knocking me off balance. I swung my dagger at her neck, but she gripped my wrist and wrenched it from my hand sharply.

The demon shoved me up against the tree and held me up against it by shoving my own dagger into the arm of Ethan's jacket up to the hilt. Holding me to the tree.

She held my shoulders firmly, and was about to bite me with her long, gleaming fangs when Ethan flung himself in front of me.

The demon crashed to the ground and Ethan rolled on top of her. She kicked him in the stomach and pinned him to the ground.

Ethan struggled, grabbing for his sword that had been flung a few feet away from him, but she held him down firmly.

"Get off of him!" I yelled and pulled the the dagger. It was no use. The empousa just looked up at me and smiled, her two horrible long fangs bared. The awful creature looked down at Ethan and then smirked.

She yanked Ethan to his feet and slammed him against a tree.The Empousa studied him closely.

Suddenly, she turned into a girl. Like one of the ones you'd see on the cheerleading team or gossiping about another. Her hair was blond and her skin fair, but Ethan gawked at her as if she had looked exactly the same.

The thing's lips turned into a small smile, her eyes staring maliciously at his throat. I started to yank harder at the knife.

"Hmm, it's been so long since I had a snack that was this handsome." She purred and stroked the side of his face, the side with the eyepatch. I felt heat rise in my throat.

Ethan closed his eyes and shuddered as her long nails softly grazed his cheek. My hands balled into fists. The demon sighed dreamily at seeing the effect she had on young men. The empousa laid a hand on his chest. She watched him shiver before she spoke to him softly.

"You will burn in Tartarus for a thousand lifetimes!" Ethan snarled.

"My master thinks otherwise." She said, gazing in the direction of the blazing camp.

She ran a finger under his chin.

Ethan glared daggers at her.

"This whole camp will be under the rule of the Titan lord." She said. Ethan started to spew threats, but the Empousa continued. "It's adorable how you and your little girlfriend thought you could change the outcome of your fate." She sneered. I felt white heat rise to my cheeks.

Ethan looked at me. Then returned an icy stare at the empousa.

"Demon, you will be at my mercy-."

"Sshh." She pressed his chest up harder against the tree.

She took one of her talons and made a cut on Ethan's throat.

He grimaced as blood tricked down the side of his neck. She watched for a moment and bowed her head down to his throat. She immediately changed back into her horrible true form.

Ethan thrashed against her grip as his eyes opened in a glassy stare. The Empousa purred and stroked his neck as he began to turn pale and his eyes started to turn black.

"Ethan! No!" I screamed and clutched at the dagger that was holding me to the tree more violently then ever. I ripped the arm of the jacket out and grabbed hilt of the dagger. I wrenched it out and threw it as hard as I could.

the blade arced into The empousa's neck sharply, cutting her head off..

The demon shrieked a bloodcurdling scream before she exploded into yellow dust.

I ran over to Ethan and lifted his chin up so I could see the cut better. On his throat were two deep holes that were dripping blood. His skin was ghostly white, and his eyes started to turn dark, the golden color just encircling the pupils of his eyes.

"Ethan?!" I was almost sure he was dead.

"Pamela?" He said wearily. His eyes were barely open and his pulse was slowing down rapidly.

I held Ethan's his hand in mine and set his head in my lap. "Yes?" I stroked his jet black hair away from his darkened eyes.

"Hand me my sword."

I reached for his dark sword with the black iron blade. The bronze metalwork gleamed in the dim light of the waning moon. "Here." I set the sword in his hands. He reached for a bronze ring at the top of the hilt and twisted it. A vial slipped into his hand, filled with something that looked like apple juice, he twisted the top off and drank all of the liquid in one gulp.

Color started returning to his face and the golden iris once again formed, expelling the darkness from his eyes.

I flung my arms around his shoulders. Tears were streaming down my face.

"Ethan?! Oh crap, this is all my fault! You need a doctor!" I panicked.

He smiled. "Pamela, I'm fine."

I put my hand to his throat where drops of blood fell onto my finger.

"What do you mean you're fine! You're bleeding!" Is showed him the crimson marks on my hand.

"She fed off me, big deal."

I tore the sleeve off of my camp half blood t-shirt and held it to the cut.

"That she-bitch from hell!" I snarled.

"Tartarus actually." He choked out. I flung my arms around his shoulders.

I looked to see the whole camp on their knees bowing to me and Chiron announcing something.

"Behold, Pamela McShane, Daughter Of Ares."

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