The island of the sirens

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I leaned against the railing of the Queen Anne's Revenge and took Ethan's hand in mine. I had changed back into my old clothes. But the dress was nice so I kept it. No use throwing away something like that.

"Where 's Tyson?" I asked. Percy looked as if the answer was something he was gagging on.

"He's dead." Annabeth answered. "An engine blew up in a submarine while he was trying to fix it. He saved our lives."

Annabeth shook a bit before turning to Percy. "To get to the fleece we have to go past the island of the sirens."

"There's a huge crate of candle wax below deck. We can make earplugs." Percy told us. Annabeth looked like her though were going elsewhere. "I want to hear the sirens. I heard that their song will make you wiser. Just tie me to the mast. And whatever you do and how much I beg, do not untie me. If you do I'll just jump into the ocean and try to drown myself.

"Are you trying to tempt me?" Percy asked, a playful smile approaching his lips. Annabeth shoved him.

Ethan walked down the steps and headed below deck. In a few minutes he returned with a handful of candle wax. Percy and I each took some and we all kneaded our bit into earplugs.

Annabeth stood against the mast and held the end of a coil of rope while Percy wrapped it around her. He tied it with a good measured sailor's knot and then stepped back. "The sirens are starting to sing, make sure your earplugs are secure." At least that's what I think he said. I couldn't hear anything.

Ethan and I sat down by the steering wheel. Annabeth started closing her eyes and humming to the music, then her eyelids opened and you could just see the milky white cornea, no pupil or gray iris.

Her eyes flashed shut and then opened in an Instant. She started screaming and sobbing. Even though we weren't nessecarily on the best terms I couldn't help feeling sorry for her. I stood up and walked over to her. "Annabeth," I started. I wasn't so sure if she could hear me. I laid a hand on her shoulder. I suddenly stiffened and my eyes were blinded in a cascade of white light until they opened in a vision.

I saw New York. No......a better version of New York. Prettier, almost golden. Annabeth was walking up a hill to.....a picnic? A middle aged guy with grayish blond colored hair, it must've been her dad. And a woman with blond hair and gray eyes, most likely her mom Athena. A college-age guy with sandy hair and stood up from the blanket, put an arm around her shoulders and then sat down next to her.........Luke?

I felt her shoulder wrench itself from my grasp and I was rushed back into reality. My head spun and I felt nothing. But one thing was missing.

Annabeth was gone.

Percy raced onto the deck and cursed in Greek. Annabeth's golden dagger was laying on the deck and little scraps of rope were littered around. "I forgot to disarm her."

I smacked him on the back of the head. "Nice going, Einstein." I couldn't believe he was so stupid as to forget that. I picked up the dagger as Percy jumped after Annabeth into the ocean.

I ran over to Ethan and mouthed my orders to him. (Secure the rope holding the mast.) I told him.

(What) he mouthed. I noticed that the sail rope was coming undone. I gripped the knife handle and threw the dagger as hard as I could. It sailed through the air and impaled itself into the rope and the mast.

I pointed to the sail. (Go! Now!) he stood and sped over to the mast. I wrapped my fingers around the steering wheel and wrenched the boat back into the current. We sped into the water until I heard a faint splash. We were dangerously close to the island.

"What the hell are those!" Ethan yelled. "Are those the sirens?!" I could faintly hear him. "I think so!" I yelled. Then I heard something.

(Do you see Annabeth or Percy?) I heard Ethan in my head. "What's going on?" (Never mind that! Do you see them in the water?)

I heard a thump against the side of the ship. "Found them." Ethan rushed over to the side of the ship and hoisted Annabeth and Percy onto the deck. Percy had a huge bruise on his temple.

The island of the sirens was fading out and the music was extremely difficult to hear. I was able to take out my earplugs. Ethan also did the same.

"What happened there?" I asked. Percy looked pretty tired.

"Annabeth kicked me in the face." He said.

"I was under the spell of the sirens!" Annabeth punched him in the arm.

"Excuses, excuses." Percy mumbled.

I helped Annabeth up and sat her down on a bench. I walked over to Ethan and pulled him aside.

"What's going on with us?" I asked him.

"What do you mean?"

"I heard you inside my head." I told him.

"Empathy Link." Ethan mumbled. My eyes went wide. "What?" Ethan sat down and pulled me into his lap. "An empathy link is when two people can use dreams and thoughts to connect to each other."

"Like when you were trapped on the Princess Andromeda."


I stood up and sat down next to him. "So we can connect using thoughts?"


(You are incredibly hot) I said in the corner of my mind.

(Why thank you.) I heard Ethan's voice. I felt his hands around my waist pulling me closer to him.

I heard Annabeth calling to Percy. "Dock this thing on that island over there." She ordered.


"Because that's where the Golden Fleece is."

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 08, 2014 ⏰

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