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      SOPHIA WAS JUST COMING INTO her apartment when she saw Jane practically passed out on the couch with the tv on and her still wearing her uniform

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      SOPHIA WAS JUST COMING INTO her apartment when she saw Jane practically passed out on the couch with the tv on and her still wearing her uniform. She turned off the tv and decided to wake up Jane.

     "Jane." She whispered repeatedly until it came to the point of spraying some water to her face.

     "What . . . happened . . .?" Jane woke up slowly, unnerved by the water, her voice barely audible.

     "Change your clothes, get to bed." Said Sophia.

     She took a deep breath and lazily walked to the spare room Sophia had, which she now calls her bedroom, half asleep.

     "Do you ever notice how drunk you look when you're half asleep?" Sophia laughed.

     "I don't drink."

"Yeah, I think that's for the best," said Sophia.

     Sophia stood up and set her hands on Jane's shoulders and guided her to her room. She mumbled a thank you and immediately sank to her bed.

     "Hey, I wanted to say I'm sorry for being harsh this morning . . ." Said Jane, half asleep, she wanted to tell Sophia about everything but she was already too tired to continue her sentence.

     "Change your clothes," said Sophia after a small laugh.

     "All right, all right." Jane stood up and made her way to her closet as Sophia made hers to her own room. Once she did, she laid back on her bed and all she did was close her eyes for mere seconds until hours passed by.

     She went out of her room the following morning and saw that Sophia was already at the Triskelion and she had nothing to do. After she ate her breakfast, which consisted of bread and jam, she tried to call Peggy.

     She waited for a few seconds until Peggy picked up. "Hello?" Said Peggy, her voice sounded weaker and wiser than Jane remembered.

     "Aunt Margaret," Jane stammered and paused, "it's–"

     "Jane, dear, is that you?" Peggy asked and Jane smiled, knowing that someone who had a past with her grandmother still remembered her.

     "You remember me."

     "Of course I do, on top of it all, there's only one person who would call me 'Aunt Margaret'."

     Jane was overwhelmed, she couldn't say anything. "How . . . how are you?" She said after a couple of seconds went by.

     "I'm fine. What about you?"

     "I'm okay, at least I think I am."

     "Is there something on your mind, Jane?"

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