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Hey guys!!! so, i was gonna write an extra long chapter, but i cant be bothered, sorry :P Reading LOTR and other books and i cant be stuffed to write (actually im doing shit all :P)  soo....heres day 1, hopefully once books are finished (on ROTK, liek halfway, so nearly done <3 ) i will be able to write more! and im sorry, im a bit of a twat sometimes.... :P oh well, enjoy <3 I know this has taken AGES to be uploaded, and I apologise sincerely, you are free to eat my face, hit me, etc etc, Schools just started again so i can write stuff in English class ^.^ so hopefully there will be more regular updates from now on!

Day 1,

I am in a waterfall, and im very wet.  Again my cameraman has gone missing, this is bad. Maybe the crew will send in a new one (perhaps Paul and Pauils hot cousin Paula.....) I need to find some sort of shelter and a good water source as fast as possible, it will get very dangerous at night and I need to make sure i survive this series, Discovery Channel already is thinking of dropping me, so i have to make sure this series is a good one or off goes my careers head. I desparately need to have a drink, my throut is killing me, but all this water may be contaminated with my dead flesh, i need to venture into the jungle and find a puddle or something, hopefully with enough water to sustain me for a while longer.

The jungle I know, is east of here, so if i get moving now i should be able to reach it by midday. I have an empty Dora the Explorer flask which can hold enough water for at least 20 minutes, which will be really useful in my adventure/quest.


I seem to have stumbled upon an extremely rare 'Holiday Inn', normally only found in the depths of the jungle, i hoped i would find one here. It looks fully functional so i should be able to purchase a room for the night, maybe even get some food while im at it.

                  *2 harrasing conversations and a talk to the manager later*

Well, finally the bloody staff have given me a room (according to them its premium accomodation, right on the bottom floor, theres a rather nice matress on the floor and ive been supplied with a generous bowl of porridge) I literally had to speak to 2 secretaries until they finally let me see the manager who (after quite a bit of yelling) gave me this luxurious room.

As the sun is going down, i need to rest. I've eaten my porridge and had a good swig of my peeskin, hopefully i can survive the night without any bed-bugs or ghouls. goodnight!

xoxo bearraebbearreabgrillzzllirggrillzzllirg


Well, MORE TLAKING FROM GTHE AUTHOR!!! im meant to be working....i dunon what we are doing though :P

Theres the chapter, hope you liked it! Please comment,  vote, follow and whatever if you did! New story either later today or tomorrow, depends on my homework/schoolwork :P

<3 you guys! keep reading, keep being awesome

and a quote for the day (taken from a year 4 exam some kid did): "When you breathe you inspire, when you stop you expire" <- love that ^.^ talking a lot....i should go.....BAIII


Bear grillz journal of completely true adventuresTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon