
512 18 5


January 6th, 2015


| Dylan |

"You're mom told you not to get obsessed." Bridget warns as she watches Luke from my window.

"If I was 'obsessed' with him I'd spend every waking moment kneeling at his feet with a platter of the most expensive cheeses and crackers in front of him. So no, I am not obsessed with him." I say.

"What do you even see in him? I mean, I'll give it to you he's a little attractive, but he just doesn't seem-" I cut her off by throwing a pillow at her face when my mother comes into the room. "Hey what was tha-"

"Who are you two talking about?" She asks us as Bridget shuts my curtains.

"Harry Styles." I blurt randomly.

Ugh, Harry isn't even my favorite... Why!?

"Is he your new favorite? What about that Niall boy?" My mother asks me suspiciously.

Well at least she remembers stuff about me.

"No, we just chose to talk about Harry today." I say.

"Then why was Bridget asking you about it?" My mother asks me.

"Mum! Please!" I beg.

"Okay, alright, I'm leaving." She says exiting my room and I hear her laugh as she rolls her eyes.

"So, where were we?" I ask.

"What do you see in this kid? He just seems mysterious to me. Dangerous definitely, look at him." She points and I just scoff.

"You can't judge a book by it's cover." I sing-song.

"You do it all the time." She accuses me.

"Yes, but then I get to know them." I say stopping and sitting up. I get up and walk around my room for a bit thinking about what to say to her.

"What are you thinking? Just speak it without filter or else it'll sound rehearsed and I won't believe a word that leaves your mouth." Bridget blurts out.

"People are like puzzles." I say to my friend. "You can't really see the full picture until you fit all the pieces together."

"And that's what you're doing with him?" She asks me.

"Yes." I simply answer.

"He's dangerous. I'd be careful if I were you." I nearly roll my eyes.

"I know what I'm doing, Bridget." I say and she sighs.

"Whatever you say, Dylan."

I roll my eyes and she sighs. "Let me try to prove you wrong," I say. "I'll introduce him to you and you'll see that he's a great person." If I can even get good out of him...

"Alright, deal. But when you're wrong I'll laugh." She says.

"I already spent time with him yesterday, he isn't half bad." I say.

"He let you smoke! You don't smoke Dylan!" She exclaims.

"I wanted to smoke, to try something new." I counter.

"Bull." She accuses. "So does he have you number?"

"He asked for it yesterday." I shrug picking at the chipping black paint on my nails. "Wanna redo them?" I ask and she shrugs.

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