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March 22nd, 2015


| Dylan |

Today Luke and I decided to watch movies since we can't really go anywhere and do anything with my sprained ankle, and there wasn't really a good selection.

"Why do we have to watch sad emotional movies?" I ask Luke wiping my tears away.

"Well what do you want to watch?" He asks getting up. "Well the reason they're all so sad is because they are my mums. My brothers are all action and horror and..." He stops picking up a DVD and staring at it.

"What is it?" I ask him. He doesn't respond but rather he sits on the ground and traces his finger over the cover of the DVD case.

"This was her favorite movie..." He trails off before smiling. "We watched it hundreds of times... And the last time we watched it was..." He furrows his eyebrows. "It was the day of the accident. She came over and we decided to watch it and just be lazy asses. My parents weren't home and I knew where the beer was stashed and she had some but I knew I'd have to drive her home because-"

"Luke, calm down." I say getting down on the ground careful not to hurt my ankle and scooting my way over to him.

"I promise I won't let you slip through my fingers. You can't." He says looking up into my eyes. I sigh and wipe his tears.

"I know that, and I trust you." I say pushing his chin up.

"Can we watch it?" He asks. "It's a romantic comedy. It isn't sad." He smiles.

"I guess we can." I shrug. He smiles and presses his lips to mine. He opens the case and a piece of paper falls out. He furrows his eyebrows and picks it up, unfolding it. "What is it?" I ask him as his eyes scan the paper.

"It's a note... Julianna put it in here." He says. "It was that day, I never opened this case after what happened. Couldn't find it in me." He sighs.

"What does it say?" I ask him. "Can you read it to me?"

"Yeah." He nods moving so his back is against the cabinet.

"Dear Luke,

Hi. I'm just writing this letter to let you know how much I love you. I'm putting it in the case of 500 Days of Summer because... Well I don't know where else to put it because your sock drawer smells and giving it to you defeats the purpose. But I'm also writing this to tell you that even though I love you very much, like with all my heart, I need you to know that when I do go away to university, if anything happens, all I want is for you to be happy. If we break up, I need you to find someone else so when I do come home to visit I can see you're still happy. You know I hate it when you're sad. Happiness is everything and anything I wish for you to have. I also want you to watch this movie with her... Or him, you tend to have some weird ass gay tendencies with our bright colored hair friend Michael. It's quite weird, so stop. Bye!

Love Always,




I chuckle and lean my head on Luke's shoulder. I know how much will power it must take for him not to cry after reading that. "Proud of you."

"Thanks." He smiles folding the letter up. "Do you care if I keep this?"

"Of course not. I know how much you loved her. It's honestly okay." I say rubbing his arm and he looks to the folded piece of paper.

"Thank you."

"Mhm." I say kissing his cheek. "So movie?"

"Yes!" He exclaims putting the disc in and picking me up to carry me back over to lay on the couch. "We need pillows and blankets!" He says before sitting down and he goes over to a closet in the living room. I guess they keep stuff there for guests. Luke covers me up before going back to where he was behind me and wrapping his arm around me.

Halfway through the movie, after the penis game scene and me understanding the penis reference of the letter I feel sleep cast over my eyes.

"Tired?" Luke asks quietly in my ear.

"Yeah." I yawn and strecth a little. My shirt raises and I feel Luke start to draw circles on my hip. Just as I'm about to fall asleep I feel Luke's breath in my ear.

"I love you, so much. Thank you for fitting together all the puzzle pieces, and for being one of the pieces in the puzzle of my life." I smile as I feel his cool lip ring brush my neck.

"Thank you for being a piece in mine." I whisper just before I drift off into the best sleep of my entire life.


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