Thirty Five

236 9 7

As I was writing the song that inspired me to write this came up on my pandora. (((I cried so hard okay okay.))) So I left a video with lyrics so if you wanna give that a listen as you read or just listen later that's cool. But yeah, listen to it because it's a beautiful song! :) If it doesn't load it "Tell Me a Story" by Phillip Phillips

Warning: this chapter is lame and is just a fun filler tbh SUPER FLUFFY



February 5th, 2015


| Dylan |

"Luke Hemmings I have known you for a month." I say sitting down on Luke's lap. We're dog sitting, we still do that together because it's our thing and I'm not letting my mum come between us.

"I've known you for a month too." Luke replies. "But I feel like it's been longer. Like a few months. It's weird."

"Yeah." I sigh leaning closer to him. "Have we ever taken a selfie together?"

"I don't think we have." He laughs.

"Nope, nope that's not right. We're taking a selfie and it's going on my snapchat." I shake my head taking my phone out. Luke chuckles letting his chin fall onto my shoulder as my app starts to load.

When it does Luke grabs my phone from me and makes a silly face, which makes me laugh, and he snaps a picture.

"Oh my god, no I look so-"

"Cute. Beautiful. Gorgeous. Perfect." Luke starts rambling a bunch of stuff off and I just roll my eyes taking my phone from him. "Save it." He whines and I giggle saving the picture.


"Yes." He grabs my phone again and starts taking random selfies and asking for approval to add to my story. Eventually I take the phone from him and he decides we should be cliche and take cute couple pictures.

I couldn't help but give into his lame request. When we decide that we're done I check snapchats I received from some people.

A bunch of them were people from high school and all of them were asking who Luke was.

I snap them back a selfie, catching Luke off guard.

"Dylan!" Luke laughs. I giggle typing a caption and sending it quickly. He presses a sloppy kiss to my cheek leaning back on the couch again. "We haven't gone out in awhile. I'm taking you out tonight."

"Where are you taking me?" I ask excitedly.

"Any good movies out lately?" He asks.

"I don't want to see a movie!" I groan.

"Okay, do you like those classic 80s style diners?" He asks me.

"Yes!" I exclaim.


"Oh my god I'm so happy!" I exclaim as Luke and I walk hand in hand up to the entrance. Luke chuckles.

"Well I'm happy that you're happy." He says in a cliché manner. I roll my eyes and we walk into the diner being seated immediately.

"Burger and chocolate shake!" I exclaim and Luke chuckles.

"That's what you want?" He asks.

"Yes!" I practically moan.

"Get whatever you want babe." He says. I nod and look at the burger selection and picking one.

"What are you getting?" I ask him.

"I might get the same thing." Luke shrugs. When the waitress comes to us Luke gestures for me to order first and tells her he'll get the same thing. She nods and takes our menus.

Luke stretches his hands across the table and I giggle placing my hands on top of the palms of his. For awhile we just sit in silence playing with each other's hands.

"You painted your nails black." Luke says randomly.

"Yeah, I did." I chuckle.

"Black like your soul?" He asks me.

"Shut up." I laugh feeling my face flush. I'm red. Why am
I red? I don't have to be red!

The waitress comes over with our milkshakes at that moment and smiles.

"Cutest couple I've seen today probably." She comments.

"Thank you." Luke and I say at the same time. We look at each other and start laughing. She smiles and walks away. Luke looks down at the table and then back up at me doing this cute lip bite thing.

"Oh, don't do that." I say shivering.

"Don't bite my lip?" Luke asks wiggling his eyebrows. I roll my eyes and pick up my straw ripping off the top of the paper and blowing the other part of it off at Luke's face. He scrunches his nose where it hits him and I giggle placing the straw in my shake.

Luke returns the favor of me hitting him with my straw wrapper by doing the same thing. Luke laughs when I flinch and I slap his hand that's still laying in the table.

"Ass." I say sticking my tongue out at him.

"Only for you." He winks. God, he's a flirt.

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This chapter was fluffy and sweet like a marshmallow.

Don't be a ghost reader thanks :*

QOTD: How was your Turkey Day?


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