
463 18 12


January 8th, 2015


| Dylan |

I wake up with a small headache and a bright room that happens to be unfamiliar to me. Where am I? Oh, I smell food... Food! I quickly get out of bed nearly falling down from head rush.

I soon find myself downstairs and recognize that I am in Luke's house. I follow my nose to the kitchen where Luke is standing over the stove with messy hair and nothing but some basketball shorts on.

Holy hell.

Oh my god Dylan, stop. Luke is hardly your friend.

I clear my throat and Luke glances at me.

"Hi." I say with a smile.

"Morning." Luke says putting things onto the plates next to the stove.

"This all smells good." I say walking toward him.

"I figured I'd get something on your stomach before you take something for your headache. How is it by the way?" He chuckles.

"Fine." I shrug looking at all of the food. Chocolate chip pancakes, scrambled eggs, and bacon.

"This is my favorite way to eat my breakfast. The only way I like it; pancakes with chocolate chips, eggs that are scrambled, and bacon that isn't too crispy but also not too soft." He tells me.

I commit that to memory for some reason. He hands me a plate and I bring it over to the table. Two glasses are sitting out along with orange juice.

"How did you even know I'd be up?" I ask him.

"If you weren't I was going to pour a bucket of ice water on you." He jokes with a smile toward me.

"Wow, thanks." I sarcastically say. He bumps my arm with his when he sits down.

He's so pretty.

His eyes are like this sky blue color, with a slight tint of grey, with a little darker blue here and there, surrounded by a darker blue ring. And they shine in this lighting!

Holy. Hell.

"Did it hurt?" I ask him and he furrows his eyebrows. "When you fell, from heaven?"

"What!?" He asks starting to laugh hysterically.

"I know that's typically what a guy asks a girl but damn." I say.

"Okay Dylan, I think you need to eat a little. You're a bit loopy." He says pointing to the food on my plate. I shrug and pick up a piece of bacon.


Let me list some things about this guy:

1) He is insanely hot from his hair, to his eyes, to his lip ring, to his toned chest and abs. Plus, I don't think I've ever been jealous of a guy because of his legs but him?

2) He has a great personality to go along with the looks.

3) He's hot.

4) He's good at cooking.


"Dylan," he says and I snap out of my thoughts.

"Wha-" I look at him and he raises an eyebrow.

"You're so weird." He says and I sheepishly smile. I continue to eat and Luke does too.

I steal a few glances at him when he's not paying attention. Hopefully...

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