Thirty Three

229 9 10


January 31st, 2015


| Dylan |

Luke hasn't called or texted me all day so I assume that he's busy and I don't bother him at all.

At the same time though, I am concerned.

"Dylan, would you like to go out for lunch?" My mother asks coming to my door. I sigh and flip onto my back.

"I guess so." I shrug standing up and grabbing my wallet. "Where are we going?" I ask her.

"Where do you want to go?" I shrug in response. "Well the diner it is."


When we arrive at the diner and are seated I take my phone out and check... But there is still nothing.

"Come on Luke..." I mutter very quietly.

"So," my mom says. "How is puppy sitting?"

"Fine." I shrug. "I can't wait to take the one I picked home. He's precious." I tell her.

During the lunch we don't talk about what happened last night but I'm waiting for it to come.

"My co-worker Sheri said that her nephew is moving into town for Uni soon. We were thinking of setting you two up." My mum mentions.

"I have a boyfriend, Mother." I say bitterly.

"I'm sure he'll be out of the picture by the time this boy comes. Sheri showed me a picture, he's very attractive." She babbles on. "He seems like a good influence compared to... What ever his name is."

"First of all, Luke is very attractive, so don't try and tell me that he isn't. What makes you think Luke is a bad influence?" I ask angrily.

She shrugs, annoyingly. "He just seems like it. The lip ring and tight jeans. And oh my, he just sneaks around and he seems self obsessed. Sheri's nephew is a college student, he's sophisticated, and he's extremely handsome. He wears pants that aren't tight and he also doesn't have a lip ring."

"Are you comparing my boyfriend to someone to try and prove a point that I don't even care about?" I ask her.

"I'm trying to prove to you that you'd be better off with someone who actually has a future ahead of them." She says.

"Don't say that! You don't know Luke Mum, you hardly give him the time of day. How would you know that he doesn't have a 'future' ahead of him?" I snap and use air quotes. "Besides, I would rather be happy and spend my life with someone who may not have a future ahead of them than spend my life upset and angry with someone who's successful."

"You are so lost..." My Mother says in a sad tone shaking her head.

"You're bat-shit crazy." I say with a terse guffaw.

"Excuse you young lady!"

"Whatever." I say pulling money out for a tip, placing it on the table and getting up to get the bill as well.

When I get outside I tell my Mum that I'm going to call Bridget and see what she's doing before saying goodbye and walking away from her.

"Hey Dyl!" Bridget says.

"Hey, are you busy?"


6 hours later I'm sitting on Dylan's couch with Bridget and him comforting me as I cry. After being with Bridget for awhile we decided to go see Dylan.

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