
458 11 14


January 17th, 2015


| Dylan |

I wake up to the slight sound of snoring and inhaling and exhaling right in my ear. And that's when I realize my head is laying on someone's chest.


I feel a smile grow on my face and I turn to look at Luke's face. He looks peaceful and actually kind of cute. His hair is matted in some places and sticks up in other random spots.

"Luke." I whisper. He grunts sleepily and I giggle. "Wake up and make me food."

"No." He grunts.

"Yes!" I say back. He whines and grabs a pillow pressing it over his face. "Luke!" I laugh.

"It's too early for this shit, why'd you wake me up?" he complains into the pillow.

"It's 11 o'clock." I say looking at a clock that's on a side table.

"We went to sleep at like 2 in the morning." He says taking the pillow off his face.

"That's nine hours Luke! Most teenagers never get that much sleep on school nights. Stop being a baby." I say. He cracks his eye open and I raise my eyebrows.

"Don't call me a baby. Or else..." He warns.

"Or else what?" I ask him.

"I'll tickle you until you die." he smirks.

"Yeah okay." I say boasting myself off him. "I'm hungry."

"Then go make food." He says curling into a fetal position. That's when I realize he's still in skinny jeans.

"Comfortable?" I ask him.

"Mind your own." He says.

"Luke!" I complain. He doesn't respond and I poke at his face. he reaches for a pillow and hits me with it. "Come on!"

"What?" He asks in an annoyed tone. But I can tell he's just joking by the smile on his face.

"We should go to the diner." I exclaim.

"Ugh." He says rubbing his face. "Fine, let me shower." He says.

"Okay, I'll be at my place and meet you back here yeah?" I ask.

"Uh, sure." He says standing up from the couch and stretching out. "See you in a few."

"Alright." I say finding my way upstairs to get my clothing but don't bother changing, that's too much effort.

I bound down the stairs grabbing my phone and wallet by the door and find my way across the street. My mothers car is in the driveway and since it's a Saturday I figure she's sleeping still.

I quietly unlock and walk in the door and go up to my room grabbing clothes and running to the bathroom.

"Dyl?" I hear my mums tired voice ask.

"Hey mum!" I squeak.

"Where were you all night?" She asks me.

"Uh..." I trail off. "I went to Dylan's because when I was on my date he texted me to go over to his and I ended up falling asleep. Sorry."

"Oh it's fine, I was just wondering. do you want breakfast?" She asks.

"Nah I'm good, I'm going to walk to the town center and grab something. I just wanted to take a quick shower." I tell her.

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