
397 14 3


January 13th, 2015


| Luke |

"Luke..." She purrs in my ear. I hum as she traces patterns onto my bicep. "I love you." She slurs.

"I know, and I love you too." I say turning my head to her for a minute. She takes off her seatbelt and my eyes widen.

"Jay, put you belt back o-" I say but she presses her finger to my lips.

"Shh, it's okay." She says.

"Babe, please. I don't want to get you hurt or in trouble." I shake my head at her.

"Luke," She says "I'm not going to get hurt." She says. I turn to face forward and lights bore into my eyes. And soon everything is black.


I shoot up and scream. I wipe the sweat off my forehead and try to breathe. But it's so hard...

I let out a sob letting my hands pull at my hair. I groan and cry till I hear my door open.

"Oh my God, Luke." Dylan says walking closer to me.

"I'm fine, I'm fine. Just go back to the other room, go sle-"

"Why are you crying?" She asks sitting down on my bed. I look up at her and that's when I realize the dim light in the room. I look at my clock and realize it's about 4 in the morning. The sun is coming up.

"Nothing." I shake my head looking down. Her fingers go under my chin and tilt my face up. She runs her thumb over my cheek to wipe away a tear.

"Do you want me to sleep here?" She asks me.

"N-no." I shake my head.

"Do you need me to sleep here?" She raises her eyebrow and I look into her eyes for a moment before nodding. "Then it's settled." She lifts my comforter and gets under it with me before pushing me down by my chest. I reach out and pull her down onto me. I then turn us onto our sides and hold her closely.

"I'm sorry I woke you up." I say into the crook of her neck. Her fingers find their way into my hair and as she brushes her fingers through it she speaks.

"It's fine." I feel her smile into my shoulder. "How often does this happen?" She asks me.

"I don't know. Every once and awhile." I shrug.

"Is it a dream?" She asks me and I nod. "Alright well, just relax and everything will be fine." She soothes me and I shut my eyes.

Her fingers comb through my hair and a sense of calm overcomes the fear of my dreams, well nightmares.

"Are you okay now?" She whispers as I pull back from her and I nod. Her hand is now resting on my bare shoulder and both of mine have traveled to her waist.

"Can you stay here though?" I ask her quietly.

"Course." She nods. I grab her hands and lift them off my body before letting them fall and I turn onto my back. I invite her to cuddle into my side and smile at her hand wrapping around my waist. She starts giggling when she looks down at our sheet covered bodies.

"What?" I ask her.

"Hills." She points. I follow her finger and nod. She counts up the sheet hills and I just stare at her face. I smile and admire how intrigued she is by counting the hills across the sheets. Without thinking I place my hand on her cheek and run my finger over the bone.

"You're beautiful." I whisper scanning her face.

"Go to sleep." She tells me. "You're obviously saying that because you're half asleep."

"I'm wide awake baby." I smirk.

"Stop." She says looking away.

"You don't think you're beautiful?" I whisper to her and she just blushes.

"On your standards, no." She says.

"Well, you don't know my standards." I nudge my nose against her cheek. What am I even doing?

"Well," she turns her face back to me. Our noses brush and she stares right into my eyes. "What are your standards?" I lean my forehead on hers and fiddle with my lip ring.

"Right now? You." I say leaning closer to brush my lips with hers. She tenses but once I press my lips firmly to hers she relaxes her body and kisses me back.

My self conscience is shouting at me to stop what I'm doing but I just... Can't. Her lips taste like strawberries, which actually reminds me of an Ed Sheeran song. It's going to bother me if I don't find out the name of that song.

Our lips part and her finger comes up between them so we can't kiss again. My lips are parted and her finger swipes across the bottom one.

"Can I just say that for a guy you have extremely soft lips?" she asks me letting her head fall onto my pillow.

"It's called Chapstick." I joke and she rolls her eyes at me. I lean down and steal a kiss from her and she smiles.

"4 times." She says and I furrow my eyebrows. "We've kissed four times." She says.

"Are you going to keep track or something?" I groan.

"No, I'm just stating a fact." She smiles. "But since it will annoy you..." She leans up and pecks my lips over and over until nine due to the fact I am grabbing her face and keeping her lips on mine.

"Ten." I sigh pulling away. I lay back onto my bed but keep my eyes on her.

"Stop!" She giggles.

"Stop what?" I ask.

"Staring at me." She says covering her face.

"But I'm enjoying this view." I say grabbing her wrists and pulling her hands away from her face.

"I hate you." She says narrowing her eyes.

"Enough to say no to going on a date with me?" I ask her slyly.

What are you doing you idiot!?

You know what, I don't care anymore.

"Did you just ask me on a date?" She asks me.

"I did." I answer confidently. "So what do you say?"

"Well... If we do go out, you have to tell me more about you and it can't be a really dumb cliché date." She says.

"I promise to not make it cliché and I will tell you more about me." I smile tucking a strand of hair behind her ear.

"Then yes I will go on a date with you." She says. I smile and grab her arm to pull her closer to me. She pulls it away and flips onto her stomach laying her head on my chest.

I smile and feel her arm wrap around my waist and her fingernails scratch my side.

"Now are you going to go back to sleep?" She asks yawning.

"I guess so." I say letting my head fall to the side "See you in a few hours." She hums and my eyes flutter closed.

I could get used to this to say the least...

※ ※ ※ ※ ※ ※ ※ ※

Okay so as I wrote the last 2-3 paragraphs "This" by Ed Sheeran came on and I literally almost started crying it was so cute I can't omg omg omg.

I ship my fictional characters so much.


Anyways this was short... I think... Whatever I still apologize. But shorter chapters, longer fanfic.

I saw TFIOS Friday night and I like sobbed. Then I 22 Jump Street Saturday night, it was so funny omG! and my dad is talking to Siri.... I'm so tired omfg bYE


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