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(A/N: I've been meaning to tell you guys that most of the italicized sentences are thoughts by the characters. If they're like in the middle of a sentence though, that's meant for emphasis. Do you catch my drift? Well I'll shut up now, just needed to clarify. If you're still confused let me know! Enjoy reading!!)

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January 10th, 2015


| Dylan |

I can't believe what just happened... But I liked it.

And what Luke said, he called me amazing. Does he really think that? Am I amazing? I bite my lip and try to tune out my thoughts and listen to Bridget but I just can't.

"So then I walked into... he was so hot... Are you even listening to me?" She asks slapping my arm.

"Yeah, you're talking about the hot guy you walked into while looking for me."

Maybe I was listening...

"Oh, okay. I'll continue then," she says but I tune her out and look back at Luke. He's biting his lip and playing with his lip ring and it's turning me on in some weird way. I internally groan.

Luke was such a good kisser and it had to do with more than just his lip ring. His lips were soft and firm, but gentle all at the same time. The lip ring gave a cool contrast from his warm lips and it felt amazing really.

Imagine it brushing against your neck?

My self conscience needs to shut up. It making me antsy and Bridget will notice if I get like that.

"And that's when I found you." Bridget says.

"That was a long story." I say and she chuckles. We reach the exit of the mall and find my car. Luke has been quiet this whole time and I'm curious as to what he's thinking. I'll ask him later after I drop off Bridget. We start driving and we start blasting One Direction, yelling along to it.

"Rock me! Rock me! Rock me! Yeah!" Bridget and I scream.

"This song is provocative." Luke says.

"Have you ever listened to 1D?" I ask him.

"Some of their stuff." He shrugs. "I know how to play some stuff too, my friends and I learned some of their songs."

"Your friends play too?" I ask.

"Ashton is a drummer, Michael plays guitar like me, and Calum plays bass." Luke explains.

"Wait a second, are you in a band?" Bridget asks.

"Yes." Luke says nodding.

"That's so cool!" She exclaims. They start talking about the band and what kind of music they played.

"So if you guys are still friends and all, are you still a band too?" I ask.

"Sort of. Since I'm not at home though they kinda don't have their lead singer." Luke shrugs. "I somehow earned that title."

"Singer? You sing?" I ask him.

"A little." He says. "I promise you though, it's not like how I sing in the shower."

"I haven't heard you sing in the shower." I say.

"If you ever do though, that's not what I actually sound like." Luke says and I shrug. When I get to Bridget's house she says goodbye and gives me a huge hug. She gets out of the car and so does Luke but she shuts the door behind her speaking to Luke. I wait for him to get in and I raise an eyebrow at his scared expression.

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