Twenty Six

324 9 4


January 26th, 2014


| Luke |

After our little date Friday Dylan went back to her house and didn't come over at all on the weekend because her mum needed help with some things I guess. So I spent my weekend not really doing much of anything exciting accept for talking to the guys and making some plans for them to possibly come visit me.

Sunday, after my meeting I grabbed lunch with this guy who was older than me and had a handful of years in the program. He was pretty cool and I was pondering on asking him to be my sponsor. We talked mostly about why I moved and I also talked somewhat about Dylan and he told me that it was a good thing to move on. After that I decided to stop by a small shopping center and I ended up buying myself some clothes and saw a flannel that made me think about Dylan. I ended up buying it and planned on giving it to her as a gift on her birthday even thought if already gotten her something with the help of my good friend Michael Clifford.

I got it when I took my mail from the box on Friday. I didn't open it though. I'll probably leave them in that envelope until we have dinner before her birthday. I also have that all planned out with the help of Bridget, who's number I managed to get from Dylan's phone. I have my ways.

But now that today has rolled around I'm excited to see the puppies again. I wouldn't buy one but they're adorable and I also like helping Dylan out with them.

Speaking of Dylan...

"Hey." She says patting her hair that's been thrown into a bun as I walk closer to her.

"We haven't hung out all weekend and all I get is a 'hey'? I'm deeply offended." I sarcastically remark laying my hand over my chest where my heart is.

"Ugh, don't bother me. My Aunt Flow is in town this week. She visits monthly."

"You can just tell me you're on you period." I say which causes her to shove me by my arm. I catch myself and slyly move in front of Dylan, pecking her lips.

"You're annoying." She groans pushing past me accepting my hand that slips into hers.

"You're grumpy." I frown. "This isn't normal of you."

"Well obviously it's because of this bitch decided to visit me on my birthday week." She whines as we walk and swing our hands between one another.

"Well, if I can cheer you up in any way, you just let me know." I say and she smiles at me gratefully. "But otherwise, how are you?"

"I'm okay. Just tired. My mom decided to have a guest over Saturday and then yesterday she said she wants to paint the living room because 'white is too boring' to her." Dylan says using air quotes and I laugh. "How was your weekend?"

"Uneventful, to be honest." I shrug. "I mean I hung out with this guy yesterday but we just went to lunch." I shrug.

"What guy?" She asks.

"Some guy I met at uh..." I trail off. I don't want to tell her about the program yet. There's a lot of story to go with that and I don't think she's ready for that.

"You met at uh...?" She asks and I try to think. "You don't have to tell me if you don't want to."

"I do, just not like right now."

"Okay that's fine, I'm patient." She smiles at me. I don't deserve this girl.

"I'll tell you later actually." I shake my head.

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