Twenty Eight

300 11 2


January 27th, 2015


| Dylan |

"Just one hint?" I beg Luke but he shakes his head.

"Nope." He smirks shoving a potato chip into his mouth. I want to smack the smirk off his face, he's such a wise ass.

"You shouldn't mess with a girl when she's on her period. You get slapped." I say narrowing my eyes.

"But you haven't slapped me."

"Doesn't mean I don't want to."

"Touché." He says and we start laughing. Things fall silent and I pet the top of the puppies head that's sitting in my lap. I finally named him Linus, like Luke suggested because it was cute and Luke wouldn't shut up about it.

"I still assume it's expensive." I say looking up at him and he rolls his eyes at me.

"Well, stop." He says and I shrug laying my head on his shoulder. He pulls his phone out and starts texting and I continue to pet the puppy

"Are you texting Calum?" I ask glancing at his phone.

"Yes." Luke says leaning his head onto mine. "He's excited about beating Michael in FIFA and I'm telling him that if I was there if have both their asses." I chuckle at him and he lifts his head to look at me.

"What?" I ask.

"You were laughing at me." Luke says.

"Because you're so cocky." I laugh

"Yeah whatever." Luke chuckles. I lean up and kiss his cheek before settling back onto his shoulder petting Linus' head. I feel myself drifting to sleep but Luke says my name.

"Yeah?" I mutter tiredly.

"Are you about to go to sleep?"

"Hm?" I hum tiredly and Luke laughs breathily. I open my eyes a little and look up at him.

"Why're you so tired?" He asks and I shrug. "You slept right?"

"Yeah," I chuckle.

"Why so tired then lovely?" Luke asks running his hand over my hair and I smile leaning my head down onto his shoulder again. Luke chuckles burying his nose into my hair.

I grab his arm and make him wrap it around me and then I snuggle into his chest. Linus grumbles and I giggle placing him in Luke's lap.

This puppy hates my guts." Luke laughs pecking my forehead.

"Yeah." I say breathily. Luke brushes his hand over my back soothingly. I feel my cheeks heat up and my hands start to get clammy.

Why am I so nervous?

Well I could answer that actually...

Luke is so attractive and never in a million years would I think I would be with him. But I am. I'm not complaining or anything....

"What's up?" Luke asks and I notice that we're now staring at each other. I guess I looked up without noticing.

"Nothing I just..." I stop for a moment and Luke raises his eyebrows. His eyes are bright blue and I can't stop myself from getting lost in them.

"You just what?" Luke asks laughing a little.

"Nothing." I shake my head pecking his lips.

"No, it's something." He says and I bite my lip nervously.

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