Thirty Six

251 11 5

Luke looks pretty in this picture in the media... But what picture does he not look pretty in. I have to say, for an Ashton girl, I have a shit ton of pictures of Luke on my phone...



February 6th, 2014


| Dylan |

"I can't wait to take you home February 21st!" I coo ruffling Linus' ears.

Luke laughs from across the room where he's putting food in the food bowl.

"We have to give you littler guys baths before people come to buy you. They won't want you if you smell like poop." I giggle pressing a kiss to the top of my pups head. He yelps before licking my face. I chuckle picking him up and walking over to Luke.

"Should we give them baths today?" I ask Luke. He shrugs. "Let's do it!" I exclaim.

We somehow lure all the pups into the laundry room, where there's a special sink to bathe the puppies in. I lay a big towel out for the pups to dry themselves on as we wash them. We clean two at a time one for me, one for Luke. When all of them are washed I find towels to dry each dog individually.

"They're so small and cute." Luke smiles as he drys them.

"And now they smell like fruit. Which makes them even more cute!" I exclaim.

"You're cute too." Luke says.

"Stop!" I exclaim, blushing as always. Whenever Luke compliments me I tend to blush, a lot. We don't say anything after that. When I finish drying the dogs I pick up all the towels and walk to the washing machine, putting them in. I look up and sigh, I'm too short to reach the detergent on the shelf.

But of course I try.

I gasp when a body pins me to the washer and reaches up to the detergent, with ease.

"Oh hey." Luke chuckles handing me the detergent. I roll my eyes at him and he kisses my cheek.

"3...2...1." I mutter and I'm not surprised to hear Linus start yelping at Luke.

"Every time." Luke mutters against my cheek. I laugh pouring the detergent into the wash and closing the lid. I turn around in Luke's arms and wrap my own around his neck.

"Get used to it, he's protective over me." I giggle.

"No he's jealous of me because I'm so hot." Luke winks.

"Keep thinking that." I pay his shoulder and duck under his arm picking up Linus and opening the door for the rest of the pups to leave.

"Are you coming?" I ask Luke turning around.

"No." He says and I roll my eyes walking up and kissing his lips.

"Are you sure?" I ask him.

"Ugh." He groans and I smirk walking toward the door with Luke behind me.


"You went on another date?" Luke asks through his phone. Michael - I think - called him. "You go on so many, that's why I say it like that."

Luke is laying down with his head in my lap and I watch the tv. Linus is asleep next to my leg and the other pups are doing their own things. Absentmindedly I begin running my fingers over Luke's quiffed hair.

"When will the day come when you have a serious, mature, and monogamous relationship?" Luke laughs at his friend. I glance down seeing Luke's eyes shut. I smirk and ruffle his hair and his eyes shoot open.

He groans but smiles, so I continue running my fingers through his hair, this time scratching his scalp.

"What?" Luke asks through the phone. "No sorry, I was distracted." He chuckles.

I hear whining and one of the pups scratching at my leg. Luke sits up knowingly and I get up from my spot getting a leash. When I do that, a couple other pups run over and I decide to take a group of them.

I walk them around the block and then back to the house. When I do I walk into the living room finding Luke off the phone and laying there with his eyes shut. I quietly walk over and lay on top of hun resting my head on his chest.

"Hey baby." Luke whispers sending a shiver down my spine. I grip his shirt and pull myself seemingly closer to him.

Is it crazy to be in love with someone that you've only known for a month?

Maybe it's not like true love... I don't know.

But every time I get really close to Luke, or he calls me by a pet name or even my full name or my nickname, even just seeing him and making eye contact...

It hurts. But not in the bad way, it's a good kind of hurt, if that even makes sense.

"What you got on your mind?" Luke asks me yawning.

"Nothing." I shake my head. "Why are you so tired lately. Are you having trouble sleeping still?" I ask him but he shakes his head.

"I was on the phone with Ashton last night. He was smashed and called me at like 3am and kept me up for an hour." I chuckle. "He was drinking because he really like this chick but she's so... Well she's a whore."

I laugh at the way he bluntly states this.

"He's been after her for a year or so now though. He's like obsessed. And I guess last night she like... Made out with some guy and Ashton saw it and got pretty upset." Luke shakes his head. "He called me because he knows that I would give him advice that isn't shit. He apologized so much for being drunk too and he wouldn't stop crying."

"What did you tell him?" I ask him.

"That the chick doesn't deserve half of the time he's spent on her. Not even a sliver of it actually. I told him that he should try to move on and find someone who's actually worth trying that hard and also that he needs to make sure there's two sides in the relationship." Luke says.

"That's good advice." I smile. "One sided relationships never work out."

Luke presses his lips to the top of my forehead and I sigh into his neck where I've buried my face.

I love you.

It's amazing that three words could have so much meaning in them. That sounds extremely cliché but this is the way that Luke makes me think.

I don't think I've ever said those words to anyone other than my family or close friends. If I have then I probably didn't know what I was saying.

Do I love Luke? Or is this just a really really big crush?

At this point I don't know, but I have awhile to figure this out.


※ ※ ※ ※ ※ ※ ※ ※

This chapter was... Kinda important idfk anymore.

I'm listening to Blank Space right now and I really like it. I'm considering buying T Swifts whole album because all I've heard are good things about it. Recommendations?

Love you all! ~Dani.xx

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