Chapter 10: Terrible News

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Meghan's point of view
Jackson let me drive home. My cell rang and I picked it up. It was a Ireland hospital number. As I pulled into the driveway, I answered. "Hello??" I spoke.
"Hello, is this Ms.Meghan Paymore?" The woman asked.
"Yes, this is. Why?" I asked.
"Are you sitting down?" She asked.
"Uh, no. I'm just getting into my house. Why?" I asked again.
"Go inside and sit down," She spoke.
I ran into the living room and sat down on the chair. "Ok, I'm ready..." I sighed nervously.
"Well, uh..the One Direction boys...your friends..." She stalled.
"Yes?? What about them??" I asked.
"The have been in a vehicle accident. Niall and Louis just broke a bone, Liam has stitches and a broken leg and arm, and well Harry..." She frowned.
"What about him?? He's my fiancé!!" I began to cry.
"I'm aware. He's in very terrible critical condition my dear..." The nurse frowned, "I'm sorry sweetie.."
"Can I fly to see him?? I'm in our home in L.A." I explained while crying.
"Yes my love, the hospital address is **********," She said.
"Perfect, thank you! Goodbye!" I cried and hung up.

I got off my phone and let tears fall. "What's wrong?" Jackson asked.
I explained everything to him and about what had happened. "Gosh! I'm sorry!" He cried and hugged me.
"The jet is back in the yard, lets go!!" I said.
We grabbed some stuff and we got going.

It was about 5 hours later, and we landed in a jet yard. A service car came to get us and brought us to the hospital. As soon as we got to the hospital I jumped out of the car and ran as fast as I could to the hospital doors. I swung them open. I ran to the receptionist. "What room is One Direction in?" I asked.
"Fans aren't allowed, sorry!" She smiled politely.
"I'm Harry Styles fiancé!!" I said, holding out my hand.
"Do you have picture proof?" She asked.
I showed her a picture of us kissing. "Proof enough. Room 208!" She smiled.
"Thank you!" I smiled back.

I ran to room 208 and opened the door and ran in. "Meghan!!" Niall smiled, sitting up on the hospital bed.
"Hey!! I flew in to see you guys, I got a call from the nurse!" I explained.
"It's nice of you that you came!" Niall grinned.
I smiled. As I looked around the room Harry wasn't there. "Where's Harry??" I asked worried.
"Well, uh, he's kinda into a small surgery..." Niall hesitated.
"What???? What kind of surgery??" I asked.
"Well, he broke both of his arms, he needs very important stitches for his terrible cuts, and he needs a emergency glass removal of the skin. There's so much worse done to him that I can't explain!" Niall explained.
"My fiancé!!" I got in the floor and cried.
A nurse came in as I said those words. "Meghan hunny! It's you. Everything will be ok. We will make sure Harry will make it!" She smiled, lifting me up and sitting me down.

It has been three hours later and the nurse came in." Meghan.." She called.
"Yes??" I asked.
"Harry is out of surgery and in the recovery room. Want to see him?" She asked.
"Would I ever!" I smiled.
I followed her into another different room. I seen my poor fiancé laying there, still asleep with IVs in both arms, bandages all over him, two casts on his arms, stitches all over his head and right leg, and in a neck brace. "Oh my gosh!! His neck!" I cried.
"As you can tell, he got the worst if it," She explained.
"Yeah! I can tell!" I yearned up.

As I seen his beautiful green emerald eyes open, I ran over to his side. "Babes! It's me, Meghan, your fiancé!" I smiled.
"B-babes..??" Harry whined in pain.
"Yes baby, it's me!" I cried, tears falling.
"Harry, do you remember her??" The nurse asked while coming over to us.
"Wait, what do you mean remember??" I asked.
"He had a very bad concussion before surgery. He didn't know where he was..." She explained.
"Oh no!" I cried. "Baby, it's me!! Your fiancé!!"
There was a pause in the room. " that your name??" Harry asked.
"Yes, that's it!!" I smiled.
"My fiancé...." He started.
"Yes. Do you know who Liam, Niall and Louis are??" I asked.
"Aren't I in a band or something? Called One Direction??" He questioned.
"Yes!!" I grinned.
Out of the blue he yawned and fell asleep. "Let him rest up dear!" She smiled.
We both exit the recovery room leaving him asleep.

It was about an hour later, and I snuck into the recovery room to see my awake fiancé. "Baby!!" Harry smiled.
"Harry! I've missed you!" I cried. I ran over to him and wrapped my arms around him.
"How and why did you come?" Harry asked.
"I came by the jet, and I came to see you guys. A nurse called me!" I explained.
"Oh..I see!" Harry smirked.
"Now, I'm gonna sleep on the chair in this room so I can stay with you..." I smiled.
"No need dear!" The nurse smiled, as she walked in.
"Why not?" I asked while turning.
"We will let you sleep in a hospital bed since your associated with celebrities..." She smiled.
"Oh, are you sure? There could be some patients to use this bed!" I giggled.
"No! It's fine. We'll bring it in and wheel it next to Harry!" She smiled and left.

The bed was wheeled in and I got up in it. I could even adjust the settings!! It was 10:30 in the night, and I went and cleaned my face until the bathroom. I lid back down and covered up. "Goodnight babes!! I love you!" Harry smiled.
"Goodnight Hazza! I love you too!" I smiled.
After our small talk, we both dozed off to sleep.

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